- a collection of ipython notebooks for measurement and data analysis tasks.
- hdf5 based data storage of 1,2 and 3 dimensional data, including a viewer.
- classes for data fitting, e.g. of microwave resonator data. This includes also a robust circle fit algorithm.
- extended and maintained drivers for various low frequency and microwave electronics.
The qkit framework has been tested under windows and with limits under macos x and linux. The gui requires h5py, qt and pyqtgraph, which work fine on these platforms. The core of the framework should run with python 2.7.x/3.4+
- An up to date python distribution, including the qt gui libs, numpy and scipy.
e.g. anaconda python http://continuum.io/downloads - h5py http://www.h5py.org/ for saving data
- pyqtgraph is required by the viewer (qkit/gui/qviewkit) : http://www.pyqtgraph.org/
- Optional: We use ipython/jupyter notebooks for the measurement scripts: http://jupyter.org
- Optional: Messages are distributed with zmq: http://zeromq.org (also used by jupyter)
- Optional: To use Zurich Instruments devices,
is required - Optional:
in combination withpyvisa-py
- copy the qkit archive to an apropriate place
- and add the qkit/qkit directory to your systems PYTHONPATH variable