Forked and adjusted originally from qb-burgershot to use for qb-uwu
Set up with berkie-target | Change target to whatever you use
Change nh-context & keyboard with whatever you prefer
Original ped garage file removed
Your probably already have the images for the 4 specific joints but if not, they can be found in the [images] folder
[MLO] Interior Legion Weed Clinic - https://www.gta5-mods.com/maps/mlo-legion-weed-clinic
QBCore Framework - https://github.com/qbcore-framework/qb-core
PolyZone - https://github.com/mkafrin/PolyZone
berkie-target - https://github.com/BerkieBb/berkie-target (Only needed if not using draw text)
nh-context - https://github.com/nerohiro/nh-context (owner removed script) See folder [NH] for scripts
nh-keyboard - https://github.com/nerohiro/nh-keyboard (owner removed script) See folder [NH] for scripts
- Add ped garage file back in
- Fix Global PlayerData error in {qb-buds/client/main.lua:33}