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use array dummy args for skew, more tests
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wpbonelli committed Dec 13, 2023
1 parent 2e78423 commit 227b2b7
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Showing 5 changed files with 55 additions and 242 deletions.
9 changes: 8 additions & 1 deletion autotest/TestGeomUtil.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ subroutine collect_geomutil(testsuite)
test_point_in_polygon_tri), &
new_unittest("point_in_polygon_irr", &
test_point_in_polygon_irr), &
new_unittest("skew", test_skew) &
new_unittest("skew", test_skew), &
new_unittest("transform", test_transform) &
end subroutine collect_geomutil

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -292,6 +293,7 @@ subroutine test_point_in_polygon_irr(error)
deallocate (face_pts)
end subroutine test_point_in_polygon_irr

!> @brief Test 2D skew
subroutine test_skew(error)
type(error_type), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
real(DP) :: v(2)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -320,4 +322,9 @@ subroutine test_skew(error)
call check(error, v(1) == -2.0_DP .and. v(2) == -2.0_DP, to_string(v(1)))
end subroutine test_skew

subroutine test_transform(error)
type(error_type), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
! todo
end subroutine test_transform

end module TestGeomUtil
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Solution/ParticleTracker/MethodSubcellTernary.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ subroutine track_sub(this, subcell, particle, tmax)
alp = 0d0
end if
loc = (/alp, bet/)
if (lbary) loc = skew(loc, sxx, sxy, syy, invert=.true.)
if (lbary) loc = skew(loc, (/sxx, sxy, syy/), invert=.true.)
rot = reshape((/rxx, rxy, ryx, ryy/), shape(rot))
res = matmul(rot, loc) ! rotate vector
x = res(1) + x0
Expand Down
24 changes: 12 additions & 12 deletions src/Solution/ParticleTracker/Particle.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ module ParticleModule
use KindModule, only: DP, I4B, LGP
use GlobalDataModule
use GeomUtilModule, only: transform_coords, modify_transf
use GeomUtilModule, only: transform, compose
implicit none

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -318,17 +318,17 @@ subroutine transf_coords(this, xorigin, yorigin, zorigin, &
logical(LGP), intent(in), optional :: invert !< whether to invert

! -- Transform particle's coordinates
call transform_coords(this%x, this%y, this%z, &
this%x, this%y, this%z, &
xorigin, yorigin, zorigin, &
sinrot, cosrot, invert)
call transform(this%x, this%y, this%z, &
this%x, this%y, this%z, &
xorigin, yorigin, zorigin, &
sinrot, cosrot, invert)

! -- Modify transformation from model coordinates to particle's new
! -- local coordinates by incorporating this latest transformation
call modify_transf(this%xorigin, this%yorigin, this%zorigin, &
this%sinrot, this%cosrot, &
xorigin, yorigin, zorigin, &
sinrot, cosrot, invert)
call compose(this%xorigin, this%yorigin, this%zorigin, &
this%sinrot, this%cosrot, &
xorigin, yorigin, zorigin, &
sinrot, cosrot, invert)

! -- Set isTransformed flag to true. Note that there is no check
! -- to see whether the modification brings the coordinates back
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -361,9 +361,9 @@ subroutine get_model_coords(this, x, y, z)

if (this%transformed) then
! -- Transform back from local to model coordinates
call transform_coords(this%x, this%y, this%z, x, y, z, &
this%xorigin, this%yorigin, this%zorigin, &
this%sinrot, this%cosrot, .true.)
call transform(this%x, this%y, this%z, x, y, z, &
this%xorigin, this%yorigin, this%zorigin, &
this%sinrot, this%cosrot, .true.)
! -- Already in model coordinates
x = this%x
Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions src/Solution/ParticleTracker/TernarySolveTrack.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -204,12 +204,12 @@ subroutine canonical(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, &
alp1 = 1d0
alp2 = 0d0
bet2 = 1d0
cv0 = skew(cv0, sxx, sxy, syy)
cv1 = skew(cv1, sxx, sxy, syy)
cv2 = skew(cv2, sxx, sxy, syy)
cv0 = skew(cv0, (/sxx, sxy, syy/))
cv1 = skew(cv1, (/sxx, sxy, syy/))
cv2 = skew(cv2, (/sxx, sxy, syy/))
! todo turn alpi/beti into array
res = (/alpi, beti/)
res = skew(res, sxx, sxy, syy)
res = skew(res, (/sxx, sxy, syy/))
alpi = res(1)
beti = res(2)
end if
Expand Down
254 changes: 30 additions & 224 deletions src/Utilities/GeomUtil.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -143,6 +143,36 @@ subroutine get_jk(nodenumber, ncpl, nlay, icpl, ilay)
end if
end subroutine get_jk

!> @brief Skew a 2D vector along the x-axis.
pure function skew(v, s, invert) result(res)
! -- dummy
real(DP), intent(in) :: v(2) !< vector
real(DP), intent(in) :: s(3) !< skew matrix entries (top left, top right, bottom left)
logical(LGP), intent(in), optional :: invert
real(DP) :: res(2)
! -- local
logical(LGP) :: linvert
real(DP) :: sxx, sxy, syy

! -- process optional arguments
if (present(invert)) then
linvert = invert
linvert = .false.
end if

sxx = s(1)
sxy = s(2)
syy = s(3)
if (.not. linvert) then
res(1) = sxx * v(1) + sxy * v(2)
res(2) = syy * v(2)
res(2) = v(2) / syy
res(1) = (v(1) - sxy * res(2)) / sxx
end if
end function skew

!> @brief Apply a 3D translation and optional 2D rotation to coordinates.
subroutine transform(xin, yin, zin, &
xout, yout, zout, &
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -334,228 +364,4 @@ subroutine defaults(xorigin, yorigin, zorigin, &
if (present(invert_opt)) invert = invert_opt
end subroutine defaults

!> @brief Skew a 2D vector (as an array, in-place) along the x-axis.
!! Skew matrix entries sxx (upper left), sxy (upper right), and syy
!! (lower right) must be provided, and a 2-item array of the vector
!! components to skew. The transform can optionally be inverted.
pure function skew(vec, sxx, sxy, syy, invert) result(res)
! -- dummy
real(DP), intent(in) :: vec(2)
real(DP), intent(in) :: sxx, sxy, syy
logical(LGP), intent(in), optional :: invert
real(DP) :: res(2)
! -- local
logical(LGP) :: linvert
real(DP) :: old(2)

! -- process optional arguments
if (present(invert)) then
linvert = invert
linvert = .false.
end if

old = vec
if (.not. linvert) then
res(1) = sxx * old(1) + sxy * old(2)
res(2) = syy * old(2)
res(2) = old(2) / syy
res(1) = (old(1) - sxy * res(2)) / sxx
end if
end function skew

!> @brief Apply a 3D translation and optional 2D rotation to coordinates.
subroutine transform_coords(xin, yin, zin, &
xout, yout, zout, &
xorigin, yorigin, zorigin, &
sinrot, cosrot, &
! -- dummy
real(DP) :: xin, yin, zin !< input coordinates
real(DP) :: xout, yout, zout !< output coordinates
real(DP), optional :: xorigin, yorigin, zorigin !< origin coordinates
real(DP), optional :: sinrot, cosrot !< sine and cosine of rotation
logical(LGP), optional :: invert !< whether to invert
! -- local
logical(LGP) :: ltranslate, lrotate, linvert
real(DP) :: x, y
real(DP) :: lxorigin, lyorigin, lzorigin
real(DP) :: lsinrot, lcosrot

! -- Process option arguments and set defaults and flags
call transf_opt_args_prep(lxorigin, lyorigin, lzorigin, &
lsinrot, lcosrot, linvert, &
ltranslate, lrotate, &
xorigin, yorigin, zorigin, &
sinrot, cosrot, invert)

! -- Apply transformation or its inverse
if (.not. linvert) then
! -- Apply transformation to coordinates
if (ltranslate) then
xout = xin - lxorigin
yout = yin - lyorigin
zout = zin - lzorigin
xout = lxorigin
yout = lyorigin
zout = lzorigin
end if
if (lrotate) then
x = xout
y = yout
xout = x * lcosrot + y * lsinrot
yout = -x * lsinrot + y * lcosrot
end if
! -- Apply inverse of transformation to coordinates
if (lrotate) then
x = xin * lcosrot - yin * lsinrot
y = xin * lsinrot + yin * lcosrot
x = xin
y = yin
end if
if (ltranslate) then
xout = x + lxorigin
yout = y + lyorigin
zout = zin + lzorigin
end if
end if
end subroutine transform_coords

!> @brief Apply a 3D translation and 2D rotation to an existing transformation.
subroutine modify_transf(xorigin, yorigin, zorigin, &
sinrot, cosrot, &
xorigin_new, yorigin_new, zorigin_new, &
sinrot_new, cosrot_new, &
! -- dummy
real(DP) :: xorigin, yorigin, zorigin !< origin coordinates (original)
real(DP) :: sinrot, cosrot !< sine and cosine of rotation (original)
real(DP), optional :: xorigin_new, yorigin_new, zorigin_new !< origin coordinates (new)
real(DP), optional :: sinrot_new, cosrot_new !< sine and cosine of rotation (new)
logical(LGP), optional :: invert !< whether to invert
! -- local
logical(LGP) :: ltranslate, lrotate, linvert
real(DP) :: xorigin_add, yorigin_add, zorigin_add
real(DP) :: sinrot_add, cosrot_add
real(DP) :: x0, y0, z0, s0, c0

! -- Process option arguments and set defaults and flags
call transf_opt_args_prep(xorigin_add, yorigin_add, zorigin_add, &
sinrot_add, cosrot_add, linvert, &
ltranslate, lrotate, &
xorigin_new, yorigin_new, zorigin_new, &
sinrot_new, cosrot_new, invert)

! -- Copy existing transformation into working copy
x0 = xorigin
y0 = yorigin
z0 = zorigin
s0 = sinrot
c0 = cosrot

! -- Modify transformation
if (.not. linvert) then
! -- Apply additional transformation to existing transformation
if (ltranslate) then
! -- Calculate modified origin, XOrigin + R^T XOrigin_add, where
! -- XOrigin and XOrigin_add are the existing and additional origin
! -- vectors, respectively, and R^T is the transpose of the existing
! -- rotation matrix
call transform_coords(xorigin_add, yorigin_add, zorigin_add, &
xorigin, yorigin, zorigin, &
x0, y0, z0, s0, c0, .true.)
end if
if (lrotate) then
! -- Calculate modified rotation matrix (represented by sinrot
! -- and cosrot) as R_add R, where R and R_add are the existing
! -- and additional rotation matrices, respectively
sinrot = cosrot_add * s0 + sinrot_add * c0
cosrot = cosrot_add * c0 - sinrot_add * s0
end if
! -- Apply inverse of additional transformation to existing transformation
! -- Calculate modified origin, R^T (XOrigin + R_add XOrigin_add), where
! -- XOrigin and XOrigin_add are the existing and additional origin
! -- vectors, respectively, R^T is the transpose of the existing rotation
! -- matrix, and R_add is the additional rotation matrix
if (ltranslate) then
call transform_coords(-xorigin_add, -yorigin_add, zorigin_add, &
x0, y0, z0, xorigin, yorigin, zorigin, &
-sinrot_add, cosrot_add, .true.)
end if
xorigin = c0 * x0 - s0 * y0
yorigin = s0 * x0 + c0 * y0
zorigin = z0
if (lrotate) then
! -- Calculate modified rotation matrix (represented by sinrot
! -- and cosrot) as R_add^T R, where R and R_add^T are the existing
! -- rotation matirx and the transpose of the additional rotation
! -- matrix, respectively
sinrot = cosrot_add * s0 - sinrot_add * c0
cosrot = cosrot_add * c0 + sinrot_add * s0
end if
end if
end subroutine modify_transf

!> @brief Process optional arguments and set defaults/flags for transformations.
subroutine transf_opt_args_prep(xorigin, yorigin, zorigin, &
sinrot, cosrot, &
invert, translate, rotate, &
xorigin_opt, yorigin_opt, zorigin_opt, &
sinrot_opt, cosrot_opt, invert_opt)
! -- dummy
real(DP) :: xorigin, yorigin, zorigin
real(DP) :: sinrot, cosrot
logical(LGP) :: invert, translate, rotate
real(DP), optional :: xorigin_opt, yorigin_opt, zorigin_opt
real(DP), optional :: sinrot_opt, cosrot_opt
logical(LGP), optional :: invert_opt

translate = .false.
xorigin = DZERO
if (present(xorigin_opt)) then
xorigin = xorigin_opt
translate = .true.
end if
yorigin = DZERO
if (present(yorigin_opt)) then
yorigin = yorigin_opt
translate = .true.
end if
zorigin = DZERO
if (present(zorigin_opt)) then
zorigin = zorigin_opt
translate = .true.
end if
rotate = .false.
sinrot = DZERO
cosrot = DONE
if (present(sinrot_opt)) then
sinrot = sinrot_opt
if (present(cosrot_opt)) then
cosrot = cosrot_opt
! -- If sinrot_opt is specified but cosrot_opt is not,
! -- default to corresponding non-negative cosrot_add
cosrot = dsqrt(DONE - sinrot * sinrot)
end if
rotate = .true.
else if (present(cosrot_opt)) then
cosrot = cosrot_opt
! -- cosrot_opt is specified but sinrot_opt is not, so
! -- default to corresponding non-negative sinrot_add
sinrot = dsqrt(DONE - cosrot * cosrot)
rotate = .true.
end if
invert = .false.
if (present(invert_opt)) invert = invert_opt
end subroutine transf_opt_args_prep

end module GeomUtilModule

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