Contains task from HackBulgaria course
- Week 1 *Contains basic task and introduction to Python
- Week 2 *Contains OS commands implemented as Python functions
- Week 3 *Contains a task that implements an HTML parser of a kind
- Week 4 *OOP intro(TODO:Add OOP version of money tracker)
- Week 5 *Contains our own music library creator with Song class and Playlist class(with parsing to json)
- Week 6 *Decorators and generators
- Week 8 *Graph tasks with with DFS and BFS modifications
- Week 9 *Some SQL testing and raw SQL requests
- Week 10 *A simple ORM for buissnes cards
- Week 11 *Hospital task with an MVC and SQLAlchemy ORM. (TODO:Only left to add doctors post login menu)
- Week 12 *Getting all domains ending with .bg cralwer(Unfinished)
*A bit more complicated tasks like hangman,money tracker with parsing to file
*Fraction simplifier program
*Finding the derive of a polynom