A 2D kalman filter tutorial for selft+dt and any explorer from space time.
To design a kalman filter for an object moving on a 2D plane with 3 degrees of freedom (traslation in x, traslation in y and rotation along z or yaw).
No jupyter notebook outputs at: https://github.com/MRo47/KalmanFilter/tree/lite
find tutorial at https://mro47.github.io/portfolio/work-kalman-filter.html
- For modules
- numpy
- matplotlib
- scipy (misc.derivative)
- For notebooks and animations
- ffmpeg
- jupyter nb
Run main file
python3 main.py
Edit these lines to play or save animations default=play
# anim.run(save_path='images/KF_constant_velocity_anim.gif')
# anim.error_analysis(save_path='images/KF_constant_velocity_err.png')
Or play with the Jupyter notebook
- Change functions in modules/data_gen.py under functions x and y to generate different paths for the robot.
- Coefficients can be changed or th function can be replaced fully just make sure the x y limits are set properly in the plots later in main.py otherwise the graphs would be out of bounds.
#pass limits here check the Animator class in modules/visual.py anim = Animator('Robot position (Kalman Filter with sensor fusion gps + imu)', plt, total_iters, animation_interval_ms,ideal_data_f, noisy_data_f, kf, Animator.FilterType.SF,start_time=time_lims[0])
- Change noise in the acceleration and position data from main.py at
# standard deviation of gaussian noise to be added in position pos_dev = [2.2, 2.2, 0.05] # standard deviation of gaussian noise to be added in acceleration acc_dev = [0.1, 0.1, 0.01]
- Change missing timestamps in main.py at
# timestamps where data is not available (np.nan) from sensors missing_pos_data = (10, 11, 12, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 50, 51, 52) # acceleration is not used as measurement (constant velocity,acc=0) missing_accel_data = ()
- Change and analyse how initial and system noise covariances affect the output
# initial noise estimate in state (position, velocity) p_diag = np.matrix([100, 100, 100, 600, 600, 600, 1000, 1000, 1000]) # noise in acceleration q_diag = np.matrix(1e-2 * np.ones(3))