Scrapes the HTML from Maryland Judiciary Case Search
##Usage The purpose of this class is to scrape MD Judiciary Case Search by case number. You first start by getting the JSESSIONID from Case Search. This session id allows you to bypass the checkbox. The reason you first get the sessionid is so you can give the same sessionid each time. This cuts down the number of requests the program has to make if you are making a lot of them. i.e. pulling all Balt City cases.
$sessionid = MDCaseSearchRobot::getJSessionCookie(); //Get the session id while(Number of cases){ $robot = new MDCaseSearchRobot($sessionid); $returncode = $robot->getCase($casenumber); switch($returncode){ case 200: //Success $html = $robot->getHTML(); //Do something with the HTML break; case 300: //Case Not Found break; default: //Bigger Issues echo "Error: Return Code: " . $returncode; break; } unset($robot); //incrementCaseNumber }