TSD project 2018 Software Engineering
- Piotr Mitkowski
- Mateusz Kiciński
- Maciej Wójcik
To develop the app you will need:
- git - https://git-scm.com/downloads
- npm - installs together with node
- node - https://nodejs.org/en/download/
- angular-cli - once npm is installed run 'npm install -g @angular/cli'
To develop the application you need checkout the git repository from here:
After that all you need to do is open the project or its files in your favourite editor or IDE.
To run tests you can use Karma. Some IDEs can be configured to use Karma automatically. Otherwise you can use 'ng-test' command once angular-cli is installed.
The application is deployed to heroku using git command 'git push heroku master'.
Before doing so heroku cli has to be configured as described in these steps: