Smart People learn from everything and everyone, Average People from their experiences, Stupid People already have all the answers. --Socrates
Practice is the sole criterion of truth.
- Make English as your working language.
- Practice makes perfect.
- All experience comes from mistakes.
- Talk is cheap show me the code.
- Either outstanding or out.
- Stay foolish Stay hungry.
- Three questions to ask at work: Am I happy? Am I rich? Is it meaningful?
- The journey is the reward.
- Hindsight leads to better choices.
- Embrace failure as a part of success.
- Be open to the small things.
- Find your why.
- Overcome fear and doubt.
- Learn resilience.
- Pytouch Docs
- OpenCV-Python(Video)
- d2l-ai/d2l-en
- ultralytics/yolov5
- Hello algo
- TensorFlow
- LangChain
- LLM101n
- bbycroft
- Learn JavaScript - Full Course for Beginners
- The Complete JavaScript Course 2023: From Zero to Expert!
- Cypress Documentation
- Cypress freeCodeCamp
- Kirby JavaScript
- Full React
- React 2024
- Vue
- Solidity-by-Example
- 17小时最全Web3教程:ERC20,NFT,Hardhat,CCIP跨链
- 北京大学肖臻老师《区块链技术与应用》公开课
- Learn Solidity, Blockchain Development, & Smart Contracts | Powered By AI - Full Course
- Decentralized Finance
- Solidity8.0
- Solana Blockchain Application Development web3 | Smart Contracts
- Learn-Python3-The-Hard-Way
- Learn-OpenCV-3hours
- 《Python One-Liners: Write Concise, Eloquent Python Like a Professional》
- Python Black Magic Handbook
- Playwright
- Building Your English Brain
- a2-english-for-developers
- b1-english-for-developers
- b1-Professional English for IT
- b1-Professional English for IT v2.0
- b2-English Listening Quickly Improve Workplace Skills Project Management
- KISS Principle (Keep it simple and easy to understand, avoid over-complexity.)
- DRY principle (Don't Duplicate Code): Avoid duplicating code, extract shared code sections to build reusable functions or modules.
- YAGNI Principle (You Aren't Gonna Need It): Don't design functionality that you think you might use in the future, but don't need now.