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Website for MadHacks 2019


General Fixes

  • Add prize information to the FAQ
  • Move inline styles outline
  • View->The Team window (hidden for now)
  • Scale down desktop icons, reupload (so browser isn't downloading them at full size then rescaling client side)
  • Send Edge users to mobile
  • Scroll bars interfere with close button
  • Sponsors page gets jumpy occasionally
  • Reformat FAQ
  • Fix title bar on Apply window
  • Favicon doesn't work on some browsers (Still weird on Brave, fix this when we check browser compatibility)
  • Add title bar icons to far right: bluetooth, volume, wifi, battery, flux
  • Fix sponsor formatting
  • About -- have about open to the bottom right
  • Sponsor window left pane toggles, should do something clever-er
  • Fix about page bug where dragging before doing anything else keeps it stuck to the bottom
  • Fun cursors


  • Everything

Window manager framework

  • Fix bug where you can move windows off the screen (Moss)
  • Add desktop icons behaviour (Moss)
  • Add title bar (Stamper)
  • Fix currently-dragging window z-index issue (Moss)
  • Fix weird bug where window title gets dragged off screen, but everything else stays put (Moss)
  • Decide whether we want the weird floating title bug, or the ability to drag over the nav bar? (the former, a fix would be nice though)
  • Assign starting positions and active/hidden status to each window
  • "About" is acting weird -- why? (Moss)
  • Clicking close button doesn't always work -- why? (Moss)
  • Allow for windows to edge off screen to allow for smaller screen sizes
  • Force window back to original position when icon is re-double clicked


  • Add rest of the windows, barebones content (Stamper)
  • change history links when past websites are hosted, otherwise remove them


  • Theme the css according to the style guide (Stamper)
  • Find body font (Stamper)
  • Find appropriate desktop icons (Stamper)
  • Padding on frames, esp. Map (Stamper)
  • Maps -- remove text (Stamper)
  • Maps -- update marker (Stamper)

Using SASS


npm install -g sass


sass style.scss style.css

Watch directory for updates (and autocompile):

sass --watch style.scss:style.css


Website for MadHacks 2018 (Nov 10, 2018)






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