Weasel is a tool to search the semantics of code.
Weasel consists of five parts: An extensible indexing service, a search service, an extensible provider service, an ElasticSearch database, and a front-end UI.
The Code Index Service is responsible for taking code from a repository and indexing into the ElasticSearch database. This service is responsible for parsing code, analyzing the semantics of the provided code, and entering it into the database in a scalable and searchable method.
The semantics parsing would be provided through plugins, allowing new semantics parsers to be added without requiring service updates.
Core Parser Plugins:
- Regular Expression Parser
- Java Semantic Parser
The Search Service is scalable service responsible for providing the code in a searchable method through a REST API. This would be done through a domain specific language to be determined.
The provider service is a method of providing code to be indexed in an extensible and updatable. The provider would dynamically load available providers as plugins and would submit code to be indexed to the Code Index Service. Additionally, the provider service would be capable of dynamically re-submitting code to be indexed. This would be done through a REST Api paired with usage of Git's post-receive hooks.
Core Provider Plugins:
- File System Provider
- Git Repository Provider
- Maven Repository Provider
The UI provides a convenient method of searching code repositories without needing to learn the search domain specific language. The Weasel UI would provide a convenient, graphical interface that can be accessed from the web. The Weasel UI would also be accessible from behind a proxy, allowing the entire Weasel ecosystem to run natively in containers.
Weasel is based on Spring Boot, and uses many of the Spring Framework packages. Weasel also uses Elasticsearch, which is a document database based on searching documents. Being Web-native, Weasel is available both as a native Jarfile and as a Docker container.
In addition to the core service technology above, Weasel plugins use technology that is commonly used such as Git, Regular Expressions, Parsers (Either ANTLR or a language specific parser), among others.
Get implementations of the java.util.EventListener interface where the class has a method called "foo" taking an object as a parameter.
"get": "classes",
"where": [
"impl": "java.util.EventListener"
"exists": "foo(java.lang.Object)",
"type": "method"
Get methods using a List object.
"get": "methods",
"where": [
"used": "java.lang.List"
Get usages of System.exit() in classes that implement java.lang.Runnable.
"get": "methods",
"where": [
"used": "java.lang.System::exit"
"impl": "java.lang.Runnable",
"scope": "enclosing_class"
* NOTE: the DSL has not yet been determined. These are examples of what it might look like.