I'm Mahmudjon, Software Engineer from Uzbekistan.
Skills (Main Programming Langugages): JavaScript / TypeScript / Python
Skills (Data Bases): PostgreSQL, MySQL , MangoDb ,SQL and etc...
Skills (Frontend Web): HTML5 / CSS3 / SASS/SCSS/LESS / BOOTSTRAP / Material Ui
Skills (Framworks for Backend Web): Django , Django Rest Framework
Skills (Framworks for Frontent Web): React Js .
Skills (Second Languages or Frameworks): Vue Js / C++ / Php / Node Js / Semantic UI/Materialize / Tailwind Css / MangoDB and etc.
- 🌱 I’m currently working as a freelancer
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on other developers
- 📫 How to reach me: email -> toraqulovmahmudjon@gmail
- ⚡ Fun fact: Playing and watching football is my cup of tea
UPDATED: 01.11.2024