Simple Wolfenstein 3D-style engine in Java
Use the makefile to build and run the program.
make all is to build and run it.
Make jar is to build an executable jar file. (requires that you at least type "make build" beforehand)
make clean is to remove the class files and the jar.
Keep in mind that the res folder MUST be in the same place as the jar (it is not put inside the jar during build).
The textures in the res folder were downloaded from that site as well; all credits to the person who made them.
All included Wolf3D textures are Copyright(C) ID Software. All rights reserved. I hold them here with the promise that they will not be sold for real/"fake" money.
- Add sound
- add entities (enemies, weapons, pickups)
- add objects/obstacles (berrels, pillars, ceiling lights).
- Load maps from text files/binary files - almost done, just need to integrate it into the engine
- ^ needs way of loading maps from an actual level editor such as Tiled ^
- make better comments
- floor and ceiling
- spritesheet support for textures
- fps (frames per second) counter
- actual Wolf3D compatibility
- BIG ONE: adding advance raycasting techniques such as from and