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asinghvi17 committed Mar 10, 2024
1 parent 5dcbbd2 commit 501ed23
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Showing 2 changed files with 115 additions and 16 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/SwarmMakie.jl
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Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ using Makie
using Random
import StatsBase:

Expand Down
128 changes: 113 additions & 15 deletions src/algorithms/wilkinson.jl
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Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,16 @@
export WilkinsonBeeswarm

This is a beeswarm implementation as described in Leland Wilkinson's original paper on dot plots
This is a beeswarm implementation as described in Leland Wilkinson's [original paper on dot plots](
This is probably one of the simplest beeswarm algorithms to implement, so this file is heavily documented
to serve as a reference for other implementations.
## Boilerplate
In order to define a beeswarm algorithm, we need to define a struct that is a subtype of `BeeswarmAlgorithm`.
This may optionally contain fields which control the algorithm, but in this case, we don't need any.

Expand All @@ -14,31 +23,120 @@ A simple implementation like Matplotlib's algorithm.
struct WilkinsonBeeswarm <: BeeswarmAlgorithm

## The `calculate!` function
The `calculate!` function is the main function that is called by the `beeswarm!` recipe to calculate the positions of the beeswarm.
It accepts points in pixelspace and marker size through `positions`,
and sets the elements of `buffer` to the correct positions in pixelspace.
This decreases the amount of memory allocation, as the `buffer` is preallocated.
It is vital that the order of points in `buffer` is the same as in `positions`, since all of the
other attributes (like color, size, etc.) are indexed by the order of the points in `positions`.
This is why we've essentially reimplemented the histogram here, as opposed to using it from StatsBase.

function calculate!(buffer::AbstractVector{<: Point2}, alg::WilkinsonBeeswarm, positions::AbstractVector{<: Point2}, markersize, side::Symbol)
@info "Calculating..."
# Here, we need to find each unique x-value, which indicates a different group or category.
xs = first.(positions)
## Once we've found this, then we can calculate
## the beeswarm for each group.
for x_val in unique(xs)
group = findall(==(x_val), xs)
wilkinson_kernel!(view(buffer, group), view(positions, group), markersize, side)


## The kernel
The `wilkinson_kernel!` function is the main function that calculates the beeswarm for a single group.
It accepts points in pixelspace and marker size through `positions` and `markersize`,
and sets the elements of `buffer` to the correct positions in pixelspace.

function wilkinson_kernel!(buffer, positions, markersize, side::Symbol)
Initial sketch of code credited to Frederic Freyer and Julius Krumbiegel.
Reference here:

## This code calculates some parameters
## like the minimum and maximum y-values,
## and the number of bins.
ys = last.(positions)
ymin, ymax = extrema(ys)
Δy = ymax - ymin
nbins = round(Int, Δy / markersize)

new_positions = Float32[]
for pos in positions
push!(new_positions, pos[2])
h = fit(Histogram, new_positions; nbins = markersize)
xs = 1:length(h.weights)
## This will be used for us to push to, and is probably one of
## two allocation sources in the code!
bin_idxs = [Int[] for _ in 1:nbins]

dot_per_bin = round.(Int, h.weights ./ markersize)
### Binning y-values
points = Point2f[]
for x in xs
for dot in 1:dot_per_bin[x]
point = Point2f(x, dot)
push!(points, point)
We now need to bin the y-values into `nbins` bins.
This is done by looping through each y-value, calculating
the index of the bin it should be in, and then pushing the index
to the relevant vector in `bin_idxs`.
Since the bins are all uniform, we don't actually need to materialize

for (i, y) in enumerate(ys)
current_index = round(Int, (y - ymin)/markersize)
if current_index == 0
current_index = 1
elseif current_index > nbins
current_index = nbins

push!(bin_idxs[current_index], i)

return points
### Calculating positions
Now that we have the indices of the points in each bin, we can calculate the positions.
We force the points to dodge each other by `markersize`.
for (i, idxs) in enumerate(bin_idxs)
isempty(idxs) && continue
## This is the center of the bin cell
current_y = ymin + (i - 1) * markersize + markersize/2
idxs_by_position = @view idxs[sortperm(last.(@view positions[idxs]))]

if side == :both
## Split the bin in two parts, evenly split.
## One will go left and one will go right.
a = idxs_by_position[begin:2:end]
b = idxs_by_position[(begin+1):2:end]
## Update the buffer array.
buffer[a] .= Point2f.(
((1:length(a))) .* markersize .- markersize/2 .+ first.(view(positions, a)),
buffer[b] .= Point2f.(
((1:length(b))) .* (-markersize) .+ markersize/2 .+ first.(view(positions, b)),
elseif side == :left
## Update the buffer array.
buffer[idxs_by_position] .= Point2f.(((1:length(idxs_by_position))) .* markersize .- markersize/2 .+ first.(view(positions, idxs_by_position)), current_y)
elseif side == :right
## Update the buffer array.
buffer[idxs_by_position] .= Point2f.(((1:length(idxs_by_position))) .* (-markersize) .+ markersize/2 .+ first.(view(positions, idxs_by_position)), current_y)

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