Project estimation system
Five Rocking Fingers is a software development cost estimation system. It was originally conceived as an academic proyect, but it is strongly oriented to a common business need.
It consists on a ASP.NET Web Development solution with a React frontend and a SQL Server database.
- FiveRockingFingers: Solution directory.
- FiveRockingFingers: Project directory.
- ClientApp:
- Controllers:
- Entities:
- Pages:
- Properties:
- Services:
- FiveRockingFingers: Project directory.
- Ramp Up document:
- Shared drive:
- Project Leader: Erwin Martin Gutbrod
Five Rocking Fingers follows Scrum methodology, organized on 2 weeks sprints.
Planned stories are managed on Jira, where developers can task and estimate the stories.
Then, they can start working on GitHub repository following Git-Flow.