You can find the latest playable version here.
Igrosk is a game for two players, with one controlling white pieces ⚪️ and the other controlling black ⚫️. The game is played on a 6x6x4 3D board, where pieces can be stacked up to four high to create towers 🗼.
The first player to move is white, and each turn consists of one or more moves. At the start of each turn, the player must place a piece on the board, either on an empty square or on a piece of their colour (without making a tower 🗼 higher than 4). After placing a piece, the player can move one or more free pieces from that square one square forward, backward, right, or left, only to adjacent squares, such that the resulting tower 🗼 is no taller than the starting tower. A piece or set of pieces are considered free if no opponent's pieces are above them.
If a player moves some pieces, they can make another move from the square they just moved to, as long as they left a free piece of their colour on the previous square. A player can perform any number of legal moves on the same turn, after the initial placement, as long as they don't repeat a position already achieved within the same turn.
At the end of a turn, all towers with four pieces become deactivated ❌, meaning the pieces within them cannot be moved.
To win the game, a player must control all active corners 🔳 on the board.