Build a responsive dictionary App with React based on a non-official Google dictionary API.
Implemented features:
- Search engine
- API integration
- Synonyms, phonetics, meanings and photos
- Hosting on Netlify
- Responsive Design with Bootstrap
- Check out the solution here!
- Semantic HTML5 markup
- CSS custom properties
- Bootstrap
- Mobile-first workflow
- React
- Netlify
I attended an online React Development bootcamp at SheCodes, where I had to deliver weekly coding challenges and a React Dictionary App as a final project. In order to built this project, I previously learnt:
- HTML, CSS and Bootstrap to make the app's design responsive.
- React components, properties, events, states, forms, loops, AJAX, external components, etc.
- Node.js, NPM.
- React Debugging.
- API integration to access dictionary information.
- GitHub to host my code's project online and make it visible to others.
- Netlify to host my project and get a real domain/Url to share it proudly with others.