A case design based on a Stacked Smol-Slime layout, with a slide tray and a charging dock(Planned).
Recommended Components
Component | Variation | Link |
nRF52840 SuperMini/ProMicro | N/A | https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005007738886550.html?mp=1 |
Tactile Button 3X4X2MM SMD 2-PIN | N/A | https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005007004194449.html?mp=1 |
401230 3.7V 110mAh Battery | L0110 | https://www.aliexpress.com/item/714331867.html?mp=1 |
IMU of Choice(Refer to Smol Documentation for compatibility) | N/A | https://docs.shinebright.dev/diy/smol-slime.html#tracker |
nRF52840 Dongle (eByte(E104-BT5040U) or Nordic Semiconductor(PCA10059) or SuperMini) | N/A | N/A |
30mm Straps with Silicone | 30mm | https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003917576160.html?mp=1 |
Purchase 30% more boards than needed to avoid extra shipping costs and time waiting on Dead on Arrival or boards that get damaged from assembly or soldering.
Stacked SmolSlime Tutorial by Lyall Ulric
Photo is a Embed Link
Prototype 0.9.5
(Dimensions: 36.95mm x 38.64mm x 8.4mm)
- Reverse clips. (Clips on Case)
Simplify lid wedge into a sharp wedge and not what it is now with a flat side. (Don't worry, this is not confusing)(This got too hard, so I gave up) - Get a prototype printed and sent to make measurement revisions, proving hard to do through others.
- Remove charging hole on tray.
Attempt a plug that closes the button when not pressed, same reasoning as #4.(This requires knowledge of slicing the print, so on hold for now) - Add a lil standoff on the end of the lid to limit it at the end of the tray. (Added a standoff on battery side)
- Reduce the thickness around the antenna.
- Change slide tab design to reduce overhang print stress.
- Increase tab strength. (0.05)
- Increase vertical tolerances for NRF. (0.2)
- Fix rocking issues on lid, slight design change required. (Tried only to reduce tolerances of tabs that push down on components, also added a standoff on battery side, finally redid the position of the top tab so we can have all tabs available)
Fix button tolerance, seems to meld together.(Irrelevant for due to redesign) - Add holes for soldering points on both case and lid. (0.8mm extrusions, needs more for the IMU on lid)
- Simplify button compliant mechanism.
- Double check lid tolerances with case.
- Increase USB Hole height a lil
- Increase height of case by maybe 0.1mm
- Fix vertical(0.05mm) and horizontal extrusions on Case not matching up with extrusions of Tray. (Move sketches and Extrudes)
- Fix Lid Extrusions to match Design.
- Fix bottom not having a curve from last iteration
- Redo Lid tabs, not satisfied with the click.
- Figure out a fix for button falling off.
- Change angles and measurements of strap loops to accommodate for the bottom curve.
- Reduce tolerances of tray clips to fix them having too much give.
- Optimize case design for lid.
- Add parameters for certain measurements.
Create a calibration cube.(Not needed) - Create a tray for a chest tracker.
- Do a test print; Test Fragility of new strap loops, test the give of the tray/slide, test new button.
- Work on aesthetics.
Contributor | Description | Link |
Brassflamingo and BrisIbis | A lot of help with Prototyping. | N/A |
SlimeVR Team | Everything SlimeVR | https://github.com/SlimeVR |
Sctanf | Smol-Slime Firmware and Hardware design. | https://github.com/SlimeVR/SlimeVR-Tracker-nRF |
ShineBrightMeow | Smol-Slime Documentation | https://docs.shinebright.dev/diy/smol-slime.html |
LyallUlric | Contributions to the stacked smol-slime branch. | https://github.com/LyallUlric/Stacked-SmolSlime |