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HF Patch v3.26 for Koikatu and Koikatsu Party (mods up to 2024/03/23)

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@ManlyMarco ManlyMarco released this 23 Mar 12:22
· 8 commits to master since this release


Please use one of these two links to download the patch. Do not use other download links on this GitHub repository, they will contain only source code for the patch, not the patch itself.


Mods added

  • AmazingNewAccessoryLogic v0.0.7 (An alternative to madevil's AccessoryStateSync)
  • AnimationCurveEditor v1.0.0.0 (Scripting resource that provides a visual spline editor for Unity AnimationCurves)
  • DynamicBoneDistributionEditor v1.2.2 (Editor for Dynamic Bones offering some completely new features)

Mods updated

  • English translations up to 2024/03/23
  • Sideloader Modpacks up to 2024/03/23
  • IllusionLaunchers v3.4.1.36419 -> v3.4.1.69 (Custom game launcher)
  • BepisPlugins v19.5 -> v19.6 (Collection of essential plugins)
  • Animation Loader v1.1.3.3 -> v1.1.3.4 (A plugin for loading animations from Sideloader zipmods)
  • Modding API v1.38 -> v1.39 (API needed by many plugins)
  • Material Editor v3.4.2 -> v3.5.0 (Adds advanced material controls to maker and studio)
  • KKABMX (BonemodX) v5.1 -> v5.2 (More sliders in maker)
  • Additional Skin Effects v2.1.3 -> v2.1.4 (Effects for sweating, crying, bukkake and deflowering)
  • KKPE v2.16 -> v2.17.0 (Advanced studio controls)
  • NodesConstraints v1.2.4 -> v1.3.0 (Create custom animations in studio)
  • Clothes To Accessories v1.1 -> v1.1.1 (Allows using normal clothes and hair as accessories)
  • IllusionFixes v21.4.1 -> v21.5 (A collection of important fixes)