HF Patch v3.4 for Koikatu and Koikatsu Party
Please use one of these two links to download the patch. Do not use other download links on this GitHub repository, they will contain only source code for the patch, not the patch itself.
- Readme, help and download links (through Patreon post)
- Torrent (use with a torrent client like qBittorrent to download the patch, use only one link):
Patcher changes
- There are no BepInEx4 and IPA plugins in the patch now. BepIn4Patcher and IPALoaderX are now optional and not installed by default.
- Reordered how plugins are listed to be less messy.
- Added a Plugin Readme that is copied into game directory. It can be opened from the last page of the patch.
- Added an option to Delete old ScriptLoader scripts.
- Added link to source code to the last page of the patch.
- Changed banner image (thanks to Wubsy for the new image!)
- Check if HoneySelect2 is installed to selected directory and refuse installing.
- Check if the patch is started from within the game directory and require the patch to be moved.
- Fixed desktop icons being created even if they are disabled.
- Fixed not cleaning up some BepInEx versions fully.
- Fixed potential error if BepInEx4 config file doesn't exist.
Mods added
- Sideloader Modpack - Animations (Additional adnimations for use in Studio and Free H)
- Experimental performance optimizations (Disable in case of plugin compatibility issues)
- GeBo Modding API v1.0.1 (Modding API necessary for plugins by GeBo)
- Translation Helper v0.9.4 (Extension for AT, needed for some translations)
- Translation Cache Cleaner v0.5.3 (Hotkey to clean stale translations from cache)
- ExpandMaleMaker v1.0.1 (Additional customization options for male maker)
- Studio Custom Masking v1.0 (Can mark studio items to not block camera view)
- KK_AccStateSync v2.9.3.0 (Allows hiding accessories based on clothing state)
- CameraFrameMask v1.0.153 (Make loading characters look less glitchy)
- OptimizeIMGUI v1.0 (Slight perf improvement of plugin UIs)
- Dress for Success v1.1.1 (Auto adjust player clothes to match current event)
- KK_MakerAdditions v1.0.0 (Extra features for the character maker)
- Item Blacklist v1.0 (Allows hiding items from maker lists, right click for options)
- Fade Adjuster v1.0 (Change color of loading screens and fade in/out speed)
- Item Layer Edit v1.0.0.153 (Switch objects between chara and map layers)
- LockOnPlugin v2.6.0.153 (Hotkey to make camera keep focus on character)
- Enable Full Screen Toggle v1.0 (Toggle full screen with alt+enter)
- Rim Remover v1.1 (Can disable rim light for a flat game look)
- StudioCharaSort v1.0.1.1 (Change default list sort order in Studio)
- AdvIKPlugin v0.0.1 (Adds shoulder controls to IK in Studio)
- Stiletto v1.3 (Support for high heels, optional)
- Light Manager v1.0.0.153 (Studio spotlights can track characters)
- StudioTransgenderLoading v20.8.30.0 (Allow replacing charas with different gender charas)
- Game Dialog Helper v0.9.1 (Highlights correct dialog choices)
- Timeline v1.1.0 (Advanced animation editor for Studio (Ctrl+T, read the Help))
Mods updated
- BepInEx v5.3 Plugin framework
- IllusionLaunchers v2.1.1 (Custom launcher)
- Mod Bone Implantor v0.2.4 (Needed by some clothing mods to add dynamic bones)
- Text Resource Redirector v1.4.2.1 (Needed for many translations to load)
- Input Hotkey Block v1.3 (Blocks plugin keybinds while typing)
- BepisPlugins v16.0 (Collection of essential plugins)
- Modding API v1.13.2 (API needed by many plugins)
- XUnity Auto Translator v4.12.1 (Translation loader)
- Collection of English translations up to {#CurrentDate}
- Subtitles v2.0 (Maker and H-scene subtitles. Warning: Most of the subs are machine-translated and can be pretty bad in H-scenes)
- Uncensor Selector v3.10 (NEEDS Koikatsu Overlay Mods!)
- Material Editor v2.1.4 (adds advanced material controls to maker and studio)
- More Accessory Parents v1.1 (More parent options for accessories)
- KKABMX (BonemodX) v4.3.1 (More sliders in maker)
- KK_Pregnancy v2.1.2 (Adds pregnancy to gameplay, maker and studio)
- Skin Overlay Mod v5.2.1 (Custom body, clothes and eye textures)
- NodesConstraints v1.2.1 (Create custom animations in studio)
- StudioSceneSettings v1.2.1 (Adds more effect settings for scenes)
- Character List Optimizations v14.3.2 (A collection of important fixes)
- Studio Save Workspace Order Fix v20.8.5.0 (Preserve order of studio items in workspace list)
- Studio Reflect FK Fix v20.8.5.0 (Fix neck issues with IK->FK conversion)
- CharaStateX v1.0.2.153 (Can edit state of multiple charas in studio at once)
- KK_SFW v1.0.1.0 (Adds family-friendly/streamer mode with all lewd content disabled)
- KK_MakerSearch v1.4.0 (Search boxes in character maker item lists)
- Maker/Studio Browser Folders v2.2 (Folder support in chara/scene select screens)
- Title shortcuts v1.2.0.153 (Hotkeys in main menu; can automatically start maker)
- KK_Ahegao v1.10 (Climax 3 times for ahegao)
- RealPOV v1.0.2.153 (First person view in H Scenes)
- KK_StudioPOV v1.1.1 (First person view for studio)
- Koikatsu: Become Trap v2.1 (Can mark a male as a trap in maker, changes gameplay)
- Eye Shaking v1.1 (Adds excited eyes effect to H scenes)
- Koikatu Gameplay Tweaks and Improvements v2.1 (Gameplay tweaks; Load 99 characters in school)
- WarpToCharacters v1.1 (Easily warp to characters from roster in roaming mode)
- Add mobs to roam mode v3.0 (Adds mobs in story mode)
- DefaultParamEditor v1.1.0.153 (Set custom default studio settings)
- Clothing State Menu v3.0.1 (Can undress in chara maker and in H scenes)
- Random Character Generator v2.0 (Adds character randomization function to chara maker)
- Free H Random v1.2 (Adds Random Character buttons to FreeH)
- Studio Auto Close Loading Scene Window v20.8.5.0 (Automatically close scene select window)
- Studio Chara Only Load Body v20.8.5.0 (Option to keep clothes when replacing charas)
- Studio Coordinate Load Option v20.5.16.0 (Can load only specific parts of outfits)
- Studio Text Plugin v20.8.5.0 (Allows writing text as studio objects)
- Studio Chara Light Linked To Camera v20.8.5.0 (Option for Studio chara light to act like in main game)
- VideoExport v1.2.1 (Video and gif recorder, press Ctrl+E)
- GamepadSupport v2.0 (Adds UI support for xinput gamepads and keyboard arrow keys to main game)
- FPS Counter v3.1 (Useful for performance testing)
- C# Script Loader v1.2.3 (Runs user scripts from scripts folder)
- Cheat Tools v2.7.3 (Trainer and debugger)
- RuntimeUnityEditor v2.2.1.0 (Debugging and development tool)
- UnlockHPositions v1.1.0 (Unlocks all positions without playing; Cheat)
Mods removed
- KK_ExperienceLogic v1.0.1 (Merged into KoikatuGameplayMod)