Submission of the nexefy code challenge. Auth: Isaac Dart Date: 2023-01-19
Quick Start
- Open the Unity project
- Add the prefab 'Asset-SpawnPointAndExporter' to an empty scene
- Press Play
- The following behaviour will occur:
- Upon entering [Unity] playmode, the program will iterate through a selection of models and capture several screenshots for each model.
- The program will capture 16 screenshots of each model, rotating the model in 22.5 degree intervals until it has rotated 360 degrees.
- The exported image format will be .png.
- Each output frame renders to a transparent background.
- The Unity Editor GameView displays what the output frame looks like.
- Once all of the frames of a model have been captured, the models are unloaded from memory
Extra features via Export Controller Component
- For faster rendering you can turn off flag 'Do Wait For End Of Frames'. Note: This will prevent the game view from showing each frame that is to be exported.
- To Use the existing camera in the scene as the camera to use during rendering turn on the flag 'Use Existing Camera'.
- To Use the existing lighting in the scene, rather than generating lighting, turn on the flag 'Use Existing Lighting'.