An alternate implementation for Acreuus spellbook timers.
This plugin serves as a minor visual upgrade for Arceuus spells over the implementation in the RuneLite 'Timers' plugin.
The RuneLite 'Timers' plugin shows the same icon regardless of the spell cast, this plugin changes that with
unique icons based on the spell that is cast- This is the same spell icon for the 'Resurrect Superior Skeleton'
- Spellbook Swap timer
- Shows the time left to cast a spell before going back to the Lunar spellbook
- Custom icons for all thrall attack styles and subtypes
- Custom icon for thrall re-cast cooldown
- Icons have been optimised to give more space for the time remaining text
- Overall improving the visual clarity of the infobox timer
- An active Death Charge has no timer
- Only the cooldown has a timer
- Cooldown has a faded looking smaller icon
- Shadow Veil timer and cooldown
- Ward of Arceuus Timer and cooldown
- Dark Lure cooldown
- Demonic and Sinister offering cooldown
- Vile Vigour cooldown
- Choose timer countdown from:
- Seconds
- Minutes
- Game ticks
- Config options exist for every visible part of the plugin
- InfoBox toggle options
- Custom text colour pickers
- Infobox's priority ( how high or low they appear on the infobox stack )
- Whole number ( default ), or the standard RuneLite infobox text formatting
- Choose to countdown by game ticks
- Submit an issue on this GitHub project
- Message Discord user : mantic.
- Through the RuneLite Discord server or direct message