The plugin adds pages to the Subscribers menu:
- advanced search - search for subscribers and show subscriber attributes with confirmed and blacklisted status
- subscriber history - shows history events: all, since a start date or those containing specific text
- subscriptions - lists the number of subscriptions and unsubscriptions for each month with a chart showing the data graphically
- action subscribers - apply an action to a file of subcriber email addresses
The plugin also provides a placeholder [LISTUNSUBSCRIBE] to remove a subscriber from the list to which the campaign was sent.
This plugin is for phplist 3 and now requires php version 5.4 or later. Prior to version 2.6.0 of the plugin, it only required php version 5.3.
It also requires the Common Plugin version 3 to be installed. You should install or upgrade to the latest version. See
You can use a directory outside of the web root by changing the definition of PLUGIN_ROOTDIR
in config.php.
The benefit of this is that plugins will not be affected when you upgrade phplist.
Install on the Plugins page (menu Config > Manage Plugins) using the package URL
In phplist releases 3.0.5 and earlier there is a bug that can cause a plugin to be incompletely installed on some configurations ( Check that these files are in the plugin directory. If not then you will need to install manually. The bug has been fixed in release 3.0.6.
- the file SubscribersPlugin.php
- the directory SubscribersPlugin
Then click the small orange icon to enable the plugin.
Download the plugin zip file from
Expand the zip file, then copy the contents of the plugins directory to your phplist plugins directory. This should contain
- the file SubscribersPlugin.php
- the directory SubscribersPlugin
phplist 3.0.9 had a change that stopped the plugin export working. Instead the message "Error, incorrect session token" is displayed.
To fix this problem upgrade to the latest version of CommonPlugin.
This plugin is free but if you install and find it useful then a donation to support further development is greatly appreciated.
version Description
2.7.4+20170114 Improve German translation
Use exact match when searching on checkboxgroup attribute
2.7.3+20161005 Avoid dependency on mysql 5.7
2.7.2+20160923 Correct query when using GROUP BY
2.7.1+20160901 Update translations
2.7.0+20160706 Add list subscribe placeholder
2.6.2+20160603 Avoid Excel problem with export file
2.6.1+20160421 Allow email addresses to be pasted into a text area
2.6.0+20160330 Added command to validate email addresses
2.5.0+20160323 Added action to remove from blacklist
2.4.0+20160317 Add page to apply action to set of subscribers
2.3.0+20160110 Add placeholder to unsubscribe from a list
2.2.0+20151025 Show total of campaigns sent
Coding standards changes
2.1.0+20150904 Show totals of campaigns opened and clicked
2.0.0+20150815 Added dependencies
2015-05-29 Improved German translation
2015-05-28 Allow menu items to be translated
2015-05-17 Include IP address in export of subscriber history
2015-05-10 Add dependency checks
2015-03-23 Change to autoload approach
2015-01-18 Allow searching on user history IP address
2014-11-17 Shorten keys on config table to allow longer admin ids
2014-04-18 Search on id and uniqid
2014-03-11 Search on confirmed/unconfirmed and blacklisted/not blacklisted
2014-02-12 Allow searching on email address
2014-02-03 Display as pages instead of tabs
2014-01-25 Use Google Chart, minor changes
2013-11-20 Bug fix
2013-11-05 Improve layout to be similar to core phplist
2013-10-27 Display each page as a tab
2013-05-10 Initial version for phplist 2.11.9 converted from 2.10 version