- Develop a Custom Virtual Machine (CHSVM)
- To run pure CHASM, make testing and perfomace checks.
- Create a Custom Assembly-like Language (CHASM)
- To have a common interface to compile to other targets.
- Implement Backends for:
- C and/or QBE
- WebAssembly (Wasm) and JavaScript
- Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
- Erlang BEAM
use Io
fn main()
Io.puts("Hello, world")
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
- Type System GitHub tomprimozic/type-systems
- BM: GitHub - tsoding/bm
- Porth: GitLab - tsoding/porth
- SmallVM: GitHub - tarekwiz/smallvm
- IridiumVM: GitHub - fhaynes/iridium
- Inko: GitHub - inko-lang/inko
- Boson-lang: GitHub - Narasimha1997/boson-lang
- Tao: GitHub - zesterer/tao