This is a repository containing scenarios that implement the projections developed the following publication:
Integrating emerging technologies deployed at scale within prospective life cycle assessment, Charalambous et al. (2024).
It is meant to be used in premise
in addition to a global IAM scenario,
to analyze synthetic diesel for heavy-duty trucks.
This data package contains all the files necessary for premise
to implement
this scenario and modify market- and region specific supply shares
for trucks.
If you use this data package in your research, please cite the following publication:
Charalambous et al., 2024. Integrating emerging technologies deployed at scale within prospective life cycle assessment, Sustainable Production and Consumption.
ecoinvent 3.8 cut-off
The following coupling is done between IAM scenarios and the ammonia market scenarios (APS):
IAM scenario | APS scenario | Climate policy |
REMIND SSP2-Base | Business As Usual | None |
REMIND SSP2-PkBudg1150 | Sustainable development | Paris Agreement |
REMIND SSP2-PkBudg500 | Sustainable development | Paris Agreement |
REMIND SSP2-NPi | Sustainable development | National Policies Implemented |
REMIND SSP2-NDC | Sustainable development | National Determined Contributions |
REMIND SSP1-Base | Business As Usual | None |
REMIND SSP1-PkBudg1150 | Sustainable development | Paris Agreement |
REMIND SSP1-PkBudg500 | Sustainable development | Paris Agreement |
REMIND SSP1-NPi | Sustainable development | National Policies Implemented |
REMIND SSP1-NDC | Sustainable development | National Determined Contributions |
REMIND SSP5-Base | Business As Usual | None |
REMIND SSP5-PkBudg1150 | Sustainable development | Paris Agreement |
REMIND SSP5-PkBudg500 | Sustainable development | Paris Agreement |
REMIND SSP5-NPi | Sustainable development | National Policies Implemented |
REMIND SSP5-NDC | Sustainable development | National Determined Contributions |
This external scenario introduces synthetic diesel fuel destined to replace the synthetic fraction of the diesel market which is fueling heavy-duty trucks.
We introduce efficiency improvements in hydrogen production and electrolysis.
We include 11 hydrogen production pathways and two technologies for capturing CO₂:
- For H2: 10 PEM electrolysis and 1 bio-based
- For CO2: one direct air capture (DAC) and one post-combustion capture
Resulting in 22 diesel production pathways by combining H2 and CO2.
Here we do not modify the technosphere using specific keywords of premise, but we perform the modifications later using inventory matrices. As shown in the Integrated-LCA repository and the IntLCA package that can be installed through pypi.
Despite the usage for trucks this package can be used in any othe application that requires synthetic diesel pathways.
The locations that the synthetic diesel which is included in this data package will be added are shown with light blue in figure:

import brightway2 as bw
from premise import NewDatabase
from datapackage import Package
fp = r""
synfuel = Package(fp)
ndb = NewDatabase(
scenarios = [
{"model":"remind", "pathway":"SSP2-Base", "year":2050,},
{"model":"remind", "pathway":"SSP2-PkBudg1150", "year":2030,},
source_db="ecoinvent 3.8 cutoff",
synfuel, # <-- list datapackages here