The Triton Software Package is aimed at evaluating long duration, continuous and scheduled duty-cycle time series.
The Triton base package was developed by Dr. Sean M. Wiggins at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego.
Remoras are developed by contributors at Scripps Institution of Oceanography and San Diego State University.
For instructions, please check out our wiki.
If you do not have a Matlab installation, please check out out our standalone version.
Requirements: Triton requires Matlab's signal processing toolbox. Other Remoras may require additional toolboxes.
Non-GitHub Users: You can obtain all of the source code by clicking the green "code" button and selecting "Download ZIP". However we encourage you to clone the repository so that you can easily recieve updates and bug fixes.
Current and past funders include:
- NOAA Protected Species Toolbox Initiative
- NAVFAC Living Marine Resources Program
- add gui/step to check output filenames and change if wanted
- test Remora folder alone with flac version