This R package is based on a template developed by NHS Business Services Authority Data Analytics Learning Lab to use as a template for building NHSBSA branded R {shiny}
We have used the {golem}
framework to develop this taking inspiration from:
It includes two dummy modules demonstrating using either markdown or {highcharter}
with an NHSBSA theme applied.
Also included is a sample data-raw/
script. Since much of the data used in NHSBSA dashboards can be sensitive, the data/
directory can be included in the .gitignore
(you can change this if some sensitive data is included) and this means you must run all the data-raw/
scripts to produce the data/
files after cloning.
There is also a github action to check that code conforms to tidyverse linting.
The package is structured as follows:
├── .github # Workflows for github actions
├── R # R code for the dashboard
│ ├── _disable_autoload.R # Golem file
│ ├── app_config.R # Golem file
│ ├── app_server.R # Server component
│ ├── app_ui.R # UI component
│ ├── golem_*.R # Golem file
│ ├── mod_*.R # Module
│ ├── run_app.R # Golem file
│ ├── utils_helpers.R # Custom NHSBSA highcharter theme
│ └── utils-pipe.R # %>% operator
├── data-raw # Various scripts to produce `data` files
├── data # Data for the dashboard (accessible via mongo2shiny::{name})
├── dev # Golem files
│ ├── 01_start.R # Golem file (use to set up golem framework)
│ ├── 02_dev.R # Golem file (use to develop package)
│ ├── 03_deploy.R # Golem file (use to deploy package)
│ └── run_dev.R # Golem file (use to test development of package)
├── inst # Installed files...
│ ├── app # ... for the app...
│ │ └── www # ... made available at runtime
│ │ ├── colours.css # Define colour palette of NHS identity
│ │ ├── logo.jpg # NHS logo
│ │ ├── mod_*.md # Markdown text for module
│ │ └── style.css # CSS to defining the styling of the dashboard
│ └── golem-config.yml # Golem file
├── .Rbuildignore # Golem file
├── .gitignore # Currently ignoring all `data` files
├── DESCRIPTION # Metadata of package
├── LICENSE # Apache
├── NAMESPACE # Automatically generated documentation by roxygen2
├── # Brief overview of the package
├── app.R # Golem file
├── mongo2shiny.Rproj # R Project file