This is the pdf build automation script for Python3 to format and build PDF of the SOS - Small Operating System - Users guide for the Color Computer.
This was found on an EBAY listing in 2024, and purchased for the purpose of presurvation.
The manuals are found here without the disks and they were not part of the ebay listing.
The disks are missing and would need to be located.
This script is Novel to this project (though modifiying it is not difficult.)
Users Guide is captured into individual TIFF images. Three pages needed to be redacted for PII. One was correspondence between the author and the original owner, (not the seller). In my research I have verified that both the original owner and the author have passed. Obviously the non-private PII information here is enough to do your own research on the author (since the name and address are printed on the cover, that makes it public as its a published work)
A resonable effort was put forth to look through the sellers other items on ebay to determine if the disks remain, and non were found.