Releases: MarkOates/fullscore
Misdirected Meerkat
This pre-release caps the end of the process of updating to the newer version of AllegroFlare and making it compile/run on OSX. Moving forward from this release, future changes will make major rewrites to the current software design architecture.
Tenacious Tycoon
This release of Fullscore represents the completion of the MVP (Minimum Viable Product). It lacks many features and necessary optimizations, but, if you wanted to, you could write a full composition, play it (with lag in playback performance), and save it. This is by no means a "practical" piece of software, rather this pre-release is a development milestone.
This test-release also matches the releases of the dependencies (AllegroFlare 0.8.5 and FlareGUI 0.6.5) prior to changes in their APIs.
The binary that is provided has been compiled for Windows using MSVC 2010. You will need the .dlls for Allegro 5.1.8, and two run-time .dlls from MSVC.