Places-app is a responsive React application showing places of interest on map and list based on the user geolocation and choice of a place type. User can also get detail information about any object she/he chooses.
The app uses:
- Google Maps API for displaying map.
- Foursquare API for location, decription and photos of place of interest (endpoints: get places, get tips, get photos).
HTML5, JavaScript (ES6), React v17, React Router v6, Redux v4, Redux-Thunk, CSS3, Sass, Material UI
To run the app in the development mode please provide Google Maps API key and Foursquare API Key. Put them as variables in .env file (look at .env_sample file).
- You have to have node.js installed.
- Download the project files.
- Open the console in the project folder.
- Command
npm install
installs all the dependencies. - Command
npm start
runs the app in the development mode. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.