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Example 2: Bigger price

Marta Vohnoutova edited this page Nov 28, 2019 · 1 revision

Bigger Price

Elementary English JA RU

You have a table with all available goods in the store. The data is represented as a list of dicts

Your mission here is to find the TOP most expensive goods. The amount we are looking for will be given as a first argument and the whole data as the second one

Input: int and list of dicts. Each dicts has two keys "name" and "price"

Output: the same as the second Input argument.

Example: '''diff bigger_price(2, [

{"name": "bread", "price": 100},

{"name": "wine", "price": 138},

{"name": "meat", "price": 15},

{"name": "water", "price": 1}

]) == [

{"name": "wine", "price": 138},

{"name": "bread", "price": 100}


bigger_price(1, [

{"name": "pen", "price": 5},

{"name": "whiteboard", "price": 170}

]) == [{"name": "whiteboard", "price": 170}]
