This repository provides the Azure implementation of the Kubernetes cloud provider interface.
This is the "external" or "out-of-tree" cloud provider for Azure. The "in-tree" cloud provider has been deprecated since v1.20 and only bug fixes are allowed in its Kubernetes repository directory.
has been GA since v1.0.0. Releases are available from the Microsoft Container Registry (MCR).
The latest release of azure-cloud-controller-manager and azure-cloud-node-manager can be found at
(Minor release versions match Kubernetes minor release versions.)
Kubernetes version | cloud-provider version | cloud-provider branch |
master | N/A | master |
v1.y.x | v1.y.z | release-1.y |
v1.30.x | v1.30.z | release-1.30 |
v1.29.x | v1.29.z | release-1.29 |
v1.28.x | v1.28.z | release-1.28 |
v1.27.x | v1.27.z | release-1.27 |
The table below shows the cloud-controller-manager and cloud-node-manager versions supported in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).
AKS version | cloud-controller-manager version | cloud-node-manager version |
v1.30.x | v1.30.4 | v1.30.5 |
v1.29.x | v1.29.8 | v1.29.9 |
v1.28.x | v1.28.10 | v1.28.11 |
v1.27.x | v1.27.18 | v1.27.19 |
To build the binary for azure-cloud-controller-manager:
make all
To build the Docker image for azure-cloud-controller-manager:
IMAGE_REGISTRY=<registry> make image
For detailed directions on image building, please read here.
To run azure-cloud-controller-manager locally:
azure-cloud-controller-manager \
--cloud-provider=azure \
--cluster-name=kubernetes \
--controllers=*,-cloud-node \
--cloud-config=/etc/kubernetes/cloud-config/azure.json \
--kubeconfig=/etc/kubernetes/kubeconfig \
--allocate-node-cidrs=true \
--configure-cloud-routes=true \
--cluster-cidr= \
--route-reconciliation-period=10s \
--leader-elect=true \
--secure-port=10267 \
To run azure-cloud-node-manager locally:
azure-cloud-node-manager \
--node-name=$(hostname) \
It is recommended to run azure-cloud-controller-manager as a Deployment with multiple replicas, or directly with kubelet as static Pods on each control plane Node. See here for an example.
Get more detail at Deploy Cloud Controller Manager.
Please read the following documents for e2e test information:
Refer for the documentation of Cloud Provider Azure (documents are hosted in documentation branch).
Please see for instructions on how to contribute.
Participation in the Kubernetes community is governed by the Kubernetes Code of Conduct.