A pluginlib
-based package for laser-scan matching
A unified Laser Odometry scheme which aims at providing a single, simple interface for different scan matcher algorithms.
With a single node to start, selecting an scan-matching algorithm is as simple as setting a parameter in a launch file !
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Jeremie Deray [email protected]
- Author: Jeremie Deray [email protected]
- License: Apache-2.0
- Bug / feature tracker: https://github.com/artivis/laser_odometry/issues
- Source: git https://github.com/artivis/laser_odometry.git (branch: master)
Indigo | Jade | Kinetic | Lunar |
Available plugins:
- laser_odometry_csm A plugin for csm
- laser_odometry_libpointmatcher A plugin for libpointmatcher
- laser_odometry_polar A plugin for the polar scan matcher
- laser_odometry_rf2o A plugin for the rf2o scan matcher
Under development plugins:
- None at this time.
- This package is still under heavy developement thus the API is not completely stable yet.
- For ROS distro pre-Kinetic, to properly visualize the
message published by the node withRviz
(that is, with its covariance), it is recommended to use the rviz_plugin_covariance (E.g. wiki Screenshot).
- The Doxygen documention is available online at codedocs.xyz/artivis/laser_odometry.
- Some notes about the node topics and parameters can be found in the Parameters & Topics wiki page.
- The overall execution scheme is summarized in the pseudo-code wiki page.
- To develop your own plugin, please refer to the plugin instructions wiki page.
- More plugins, mostly correlation-based & feature-based scan matching.
- A comparison framework to easily compare plugins.