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Photo Editor

A fully functional free online Photo Editor (works only in Chromium browsers for now)


What's that?

PhotoEditor is a Vue SPA utilizing Element Plus, canvas filters and Cropperjs. You can install the core components via npm and use it in your own project.

Usage - Spa

Go to, upload a photo and start tweaking the sliders! Currently, there are 3 basic editing options:

  • applying canvas filters (same as css filters: brightness,saturation, hue rotate, contrast, grayscale, sepia, invert)
  • applying instagram filters thanks to Instagram.css
  • cropping and rotating thanks to Cropperjs

Usage - Api

Download and import PhotoEditor

Of course you can download the editor via npm as an esm module. Please remember that PhotoEditor requires Vuex!

npm i @matb85/photoeditor
pnpm add @matb85/photoeditor
yarn add @matb85/photoeditor
  • in a no ssr environment (e.g. Vue spa):
    <PhotoEditor />

<script setup>
  import '@matb85/photoeditor/dist/photo-editor.css';
  import PhotoEditor from '@matb85/photoeditor';
  • in a ssr environment (e.g. Nuxt universal app):
    <client-only placeholder="Loading...">
      <photoEditor />

  import '@matb85/photoeditor/dist/photo-editor.css'
  export default {
    name: 'your component',
      PhotoEditor: () => {
      return import('@matb85/photoeditor').PhotoEditor



  • clearDataOnDestroy - if true, photoEditor's data in vuex and sessionStorage is cleared when the beforeDestroy hook is called
<photoEditor clearDataOnDestroy />


you can emit to your photoEditor using this.$root.$emit("photoEditor/event", arguments)

  • alterphoto - tells the photoEditor to update the photo (apply css filters)
window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('photoEditor/alterphoto')); // no arguments
  • cropperchange - calls a cropperjs method (works only when cropperjs is available)
new CustomEvent('photoEditor/cropperchange', detail('cropperjsmethod', [array with arguments]));
new CustomEvent('photoEditor/cropperchange', detail('rotateTo', [20])); //rotates the image to 20 degrees

Vuex - actions

  • updatesettings - changes value of one css filter, in order to see the result call the alterphoto event
this.$store.dispatch('photoEditor/updatesettings', { func: cssfiltername, val: value });

Vuex - mutations

  • resetStore - reset the vuex module to its initial state and clear sessionStorage


Certainly, contributions are welcome. So if you'd like to addfunctionality or simply make it better, go ahead, PRs welcome !:fire::fire::fire:

Project setup

pnpm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

pnpm run dev

Compiles the example app for production

pnpm run build

Compiles and minifies the library for production

pnpm run build:lib

Lints and fixes files

pnpm run lint