Tools and stuff for gaussian splatting
Blender Exporter for Jawset Postshot
This script facilitates the generation of Synthetic Gaussian splats by making a camera dome, exporting cameras positions and a sparse pointcloud.
- Install the blender plugin
- select the object you want to export, hit Export Scene Data
- drag and drop the whole folder created into postshot with these settings:
- disable start training
- set Model Profile to Splat ADC (works best with synthetic scenes)
- set Black Background to true
- Hit Start Training
- the Model in Blender needs to be one single Mesh Object
Substance 3D Viewer (Beta) from Adobe lets you create Gaussian Splats with a pretty good text-to-3D model. Adobe is working with Babylon and other actors to standardize and optimize the format and its rendering. Until then, this is a quick converter that allows you ti use the popular Supersplat Editor and other, and you can easily run it directly in Google Colab to convert your files.

Subtance 3D Viewer does not let you officially export the files, but it tells you where it keeps the temp files. Just load this into the converter and voila.