This auto clicker is the fastest auto clicker I have ever found/created.
To compare "OP Auto Clicker 3.0" has a maximum CPS of about 64, where "oto" can run a CPS of 200 and CPS 1000+ with no limiter.
It is the time between each click.
Higer delay = lower CPS.
0: No delay, it goes as fast as possible.
-1: Should be around 100 CPS.*
-2: Should be around 200 CPS.*
If you anly want to click an X amount of times.
CPS can vary with quite a big margin depending on the performance of the CPU.
I have measured (on -1) all fom 77-250 CPS. But -2 is still faster than -1.
link to mousetool's "OP Auto Clicker 3.0"