Author : Mathieu Niord | University of Poitiers, Year 2021-2022
At the end of the year, we had to realize a ray tracing project as part of our 3D Algorithms course.
The solution provided was developed in Java under Java 8 and allows to generate an image in .tga format using ray tracing.
Four scenes are preconfigured:
- a default scene that uses the example of the three spheres on a checkerboard;
- a second scene which is an alternative to the first one;
- a third scene which is composed of seven spheres on a grey checkerboard;
- finally, a last scene which uses the concept of the Cornell box with a transparent sphere placed in the center
and three smaller spheres around (the northest one only reflects).
- raytracing
| - maths
| | - Vec3d : A 3D vector class with double precision.
| - rendering
| | - Light : Represents a light source inside a 3D space.
| | - Scene : The scene in where planes, objects and lights are placed.
| - solids
| | - Solid : A solid is a 3D object that can be intersected by a ray.
| | - Plane : Inherited class from Solid which permits the generation of a plane according its normal.
| | - CheckerBoard : Inherited class from Plane which permits the generation of a checkerboard pattern.
| | - Sphere : Inherited class from Solid which permits the generation of a Sphere according its center point.
| - utils
| | - Color : Colors and arithmetics of Colors.
| | - JavaTGA : .tga generator (author : P. Meseure based on a Java Adaptation of a C code by B. Debouchages)
| | - SceneLoader : Represents a loader of scenes which loads a scene. It is called during the execution.
| : Main program. Parse command line arguments, run the computation of the image and save it.
Compilation (in "src/raytracing/"): javac -d . ./maths/*.java ./utils/*.java ./solids/*.java ./rendering/*.java
Run program: java raytracing.Main
-w <width> : Width of the output image.
-h <height> : Height of the output image.
-d <depth> : Maximum ray depth.
-z <zoom> : Zoom factor.
-o <output> : Output file name.
-s <scene> : Scene number.
--help : Print help.
Scenes recommanded configurations:
- Default : -z -1.5
- First Scene : -s 1 -z -1.5
- Second Scene : -s 2 -z -1.5
- Third Scene : -s 3 -z -0.2 -w 1080 -h 1080