Dart/Flutter application that notifies the user when a selected game is in sale or its price is below an established one. This project has been made for the Software Engineering course at UniBG
- cupertino icons: v.1.0.2
- test: v.1.21.1
- dio: v.4.0.6
- multi split view: v.2.1.0
- local notifier: v.0.1.5
- path provider: v.2.0.11
- sqflite: v.2.1.0
- provider: v.6.0.3
- html: v.0.15.0
- cron: v.0.5.0
- sqflite common ffi: v.2.2.0+1
- window manager: v.0.2.7
- tray manager: v.0.2.0
- dartdoc: v.6.1.1
- mockito: v.5.3.2
- connectivity plus: v.3.0.2
Linux | macOS | Windows |
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For other information about the project check the inside the doc directory.