to make the avalanche data base the code "" needs to be edited for path names and run.
The paths to files and folders below need to be set.
overview_html = '/home/damboise/Documents/data_base/html/overview.html' single_html = '/home/damboise/Documents/data_base/html/single_avalanche/' overview_csv = '/home/damboise/Documents/data_base/html/overview.csv' avalanche_map_html = '/home/damboise/Documents/data_base/html/test_map.html'
after that the code is ready to run with python 2.7.
A pop up should open and you should pick what folder the input data is located.
Folium package may make problems. with anaconda install it with command below "conda install -c conda-forge folium "
folium has been added to anacondas base environment to add this base environment to atom use following commands "source activate base" "python -m ipykernel install --user --name base"