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pokebot 0.2.0
Jokler <[email protected]>

    pokebot [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [config_path]

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -l, --local      Run locally in text mode
    -V, --version    Prints version information
    -v, --verbose    Print the content of all packets

    -a, --address <address>                         The address of the server to connect to
    -g, --generate-identities <gen_id_count>        Generate 'count' identities
    -d, --master_channel <master_channel>           The channel the master bot should connect to
    -w, --increase-security-level <wanted_level>    Increases the security level of all identities in the config file

    <config_path>    Configuration file [default: config.toml]


  1. Poke the main bot.
  2. Once the secondary bot joins your channel, type !help for a list of commands.

Chat commands:

   add       Adds url to playlist
   clear     Clears the playback queue
   help      Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
   leave     Leaves the channel
   next      Switches to the next playlist entry
   pause     Pauses audio playback
   play      Starts audio playback
   search    Adds the first video found on YouTube
   seek      Seeks by a specified amount
   stop      Stops audio playback
   volume    Changes the volume to the specified value


  1. Make sure the following are installed

    • cargo + rustc 1.42 or later
    • gstreamer development libraries which should be libgstreamer-dev and libgstreamer-plugins-base-dev
  2. Clone the source with git:

    $ git clone
    $ cd pokebot
  3. Building the binary

    $ cargo build --release

    This creates the binary under target/release/.