An application that generates timed quiz on JavaScript fundamentals and stores high scores. Scores will be added to a score board and can be viewed.
Below is the main screen
- when I click the start button, a timer starts and I am presented with a question
- when I answer a question, then I am presented with another question. If I make a mistake, I will be alerted and 10 seconds will be reduced.
- If all questions are answered or the timer reaches 0, the score content will display.
- If score is 40 or higher, you will receive a good comment
- If score is 39 or lower, you will receive a bad comment
- The final score with names could be viewed from a scoreboard. scoreboard will display score in sorted order, with highest score on top.
Website leverage bootstrap built-in responsive design and some bootstrap pre-built components.
For more infromation of bootstrap, visit: For more information of bootstrap grid and media queries, visit: