A simple Weather Dashboard that allows the user to retrive weather data for multiple cities.
Project URL: https://maxguojiaqi.github.io/Assignment6/
After open the dashboard. User will be able to input city name and retrive current and 5 days future weather information.
The current weather information contains:
City name, the date, an icon representation of weather conditions, the temperature, the humidity, the wind speed, and the UV index
The 5 days future weather infromation contains:
The date, an icon representation of weather conditions, the temperature, and the humidity
All the search history will be stored.
When click on the city name in the search histroy, current and 5 days future weather information for that city will be displayed again.
All the information will be stroed within the browser, current state will be preverserd even after refeash the browser.
Below is a screenshot of the working app
If city name is invalid, user will be alert with error.
Below is a screenshot when user enter the wrong name.
This app runs in the browser and features dynamically updated HTML and CSS powered by Bootstrap. For more information about Bootstrap, visit: https://getbootstrap.com/ This app uses a third party API from OpenWeatherMap, for details about open weather map, visit https://openweathermap.org/