Updated: Improved ammo replenish system
dm_replenish_ammo - (Default) 1 - Replenish ammo on reload.
dm_replenish_clip - (Default) 0 - Replenish ammo clip on kill.
dm_replenish_reserve - (Default) 0 - Replenish ammo reserve on kill.
Updated: SDKHook performance and usage (thanks to Bacardi)
Added: Support for late load, safely load the plugin at anytime.
Added: Primary only gun mode
dm_gun_menu_mode - (Default) 1 - 1) Enabled. 2) Primary weapons only. 3) Secondary weapons only. 4) Random weapons only. 5) Disabled.
Added: No knife damage
dm_no_knife_damage - (Default) 0 - Knives do NO damage to players.
Fixed: Wrong language phrase for secondary weapons when not selected.
Fixed: Native "SetConVarInt" reported: Invalid convar handle 0 (error 4)
Fixed: Native "PrintHintText" reported: Language phrase "^" not found
Fixed: P2000 sounding like a deagle. P2000 must now be equipped in player's loadout.
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