Clipper - The Clipper library performs clipping, offsetting and triangulation for lines or polygons.
All four boolean clipping operations are supported - intersection, union, difference and exclusive-or.
Polygons can be of any shape including self-intersecting polygons. The library is based on Vatti's clipping algorithm
and runs on beta version 10.0 which is a significant rewrite of previous versions and it's improved in terms of performance.
The repository contains the compiled dll library supporting both 32 and 64-bit Windows OS and uses FFI binding solution
to work with LuaJIT (Just-In-Time) programming language.
You can find more details in the official page:
Linear polygons:
Circular polygons:
Offsetting options:
1. Point:
+ void. New(number x, number y)
+ number: InPolygon(Path path)
2. Path:
+ void. New()
+ Point: Get(number i)
+ void: Add(Point pt)
+ number: Size()
+ number: Area()
+ bool: Orientation()
+ void: Reverse()
+ Paths: Simplify(number fillRule = ClipperLib.FillRule.EvenOdd)
3. Paths:
+ void. New()
+ Path: Get(number i)
+ void: Add(Path path)
+ number: Size()
+ void: Reverse()
+ Paths: Simplify(number fillRule = ClipperLib.FillRule.EvenOdd)
4. Clipper:
+ void. New()
+ void: AddPath(Path path, number pathType, bool open = false)
+ void: AddPaths(Paths paths, number pathType, bool open = false)
+ Paths: ClipPaths(number clipType = ClipperLib.ClipType.Intersection,
number fillRule = ClipperLib.FillRule.EvenOdd)
5. ClipperOffset:
+ void. New(number miterLimit = 2.0, number arcTolerance = 0.0)
+ Paths: OffsetPaths(Paths paths, number delta,
number joinType = ClipperLib.JoinType.Round,
number endType = ClipperLib.EndType.Polygon)
6. ClipperTri:
+ void. New()
+ Paths: TriangulatePaths(Paths paths,
number fillRule = ClipperLib.FillRule.EvenOdd)