Unofficial lightweight, HTTP-Based C# implementation for ICQ Bot APIs (also known as Agent bot API / VK Teams bot API).
No Microsoft proprietary mambo jumbo needed! Built on the goodness of .Net Standard 2.0 and Newtonsoft.Json
P.S. This is an auxiliary fork (made mainly for learning purposes) of the Idan Rubin's ICQ bot, consider install it instead, please.
P.P.S. Nuget Package supports downloadable Debug symbols via Source Link.
With this package you can:
- Respond to Bot Events
- Send, Edit and Delete Text Messages
- Send Inline Buttons with Text Messages
- Send Files (supports image and video)
- Receive Files of any Type
NuGet package is available at
Usage is similar to the excellent .Net Telegram.Bot project.
using Agent.Bot.Args;
using System;
private readonly static IICQBotClient bot = new ICQBotClient("BOT_ID_FROM_ICQ_METABOT");
public static void Main(string[] args)
bot.OnMessage += BotOnMessageReceived;
var me = bot.GetMeAsync().Result;
Console.WriteLine($"Start listening to @{me.Nick}");
private static void BotOnMessageReceived(object sender, MessageEventArgs messageEventArgs)
var message = messageEventArgs.Message;
bot.SendTextMessageAsync(message.From.UserId, message.Text).Wait();
Check out a simple Idan Rubin's English/Russian translator bot: ICQTranslatorBot
Let's make .Net the #1 client for ICQ bots!