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Airbean - Individuell Examination


Airbean is a fictional app where users can order coffee delivered by drones. The objective of this project was to create a REST API to handle all backend functionalities needed by the app. This is an individual examination project that builds on a previous group project by adding new features.

This project is built using Node.js and Express.


  • Guest Users: Can view the menu and place orders, receiving an order confirmation upon purchase.
  • Registered Users: Can view their order history.
  • Admin Users: Can add, remove, and edit items in the menu.

Table of Contents

  1. API Endpoints
  2. Installation and Running the Project
  3. Authentication
  4. Error Handling
  5. Instructions

API Endpoints

Public Endpoints

Method Endpoint Description
GET /about About Us
GET /order Menu

Guest Endpoints

Method Endpoint Description
POST /cart Add to Cart
GET /cart View Cart
DELETE /cart/:id Remove Item
POST /order Place Order
GET /order/:orderid Order Confirmation

User Endpoints

Method Endpoint Description
POST /account/register Register
POST /account/login Login
GET /account/status Login Status
GET /account/orders Order History
GET /account/details Account Details
POST /account/logout Logout

Admin Endpoints

Method Endpoint Description
POST /admin/register Register
POST /admin/login Login
GET /admin/status Login Status
POST /admin/logout Logout
POST /admin/create-item Add Item
PUT /admin/:itemId Edit Item
GET /admin/:itemId View Item
DELETE /admin/:itemId Remove Item
POST /admin/special-offers Create Offers

Installation and Running the Project

Follow these steps to create a local copy and run the project:

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:
    cd Airbean-Individuell-examination
  3. Install dependencies:
    npm install
  4. Start the development server:
    nodemon server.js


Authentication is required for certain endpoints. Users must register and log in to access these endpoints. Admin users have separate endpoints and privileges. Tokens are used for session management.

Error handling

Common errors and their handling mechanisms are as follows:

  • 400 Bad Request: Invalid input format or missing parameters.
  • 401 Unauthorized: Invalid or missing authentication token.
  • 403 Forbidden: Insufficient privileges to access the resource.
  • 404 Not Found: Requested resource does not exist.
  • 500 Internal Server Error: General server error.



GET /about


Company: Airbean Coffee

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Coffee Production:

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Viewing the menu

GET /order


 	"itemId": "ebe43b87-6e1e-4d4e-ade6-59775fffd1f4",
 	"title": "Bryggkaffe",
 	"desc": "Bryggd på månadens bönor.",
 	"price": 39,
 	"createdAt": "2024-06-12 11:15:55",
 	"_id": "17riXwRrm0X8i2JX"
 	"itemId": "8fc394f3-f77c-41f6-9729-a41c738904d2",
 	"title": "Cortado",
 	"desc": "Bryggd på månadens bönor.",
 	"price": 39,
 	"createdAt": "2024-06-12 11:17:12",
 	"_id": "3mgdjOvrwRv1NB65"
 	"itemId": "3edc7d79-272d-4634-9a70-c443d884cf59",
 	"title": "Cappuccino",
 	"desc": "Bryggd på månadens bönor.",
 	"price": 49,
 	"createdAt": "2024-06-12 11:16:40",
 	"_id": "QuMa7T5k1zBdtSPY"
 	"itemId": "57dc10d2-825f-4459-8e67-82f8afefd3cd",
 	"title": "Caffè Doppio",
 	"desc": "Bryggd på månadens bönor.",
 	"price": 49,
 	"createdAt": "2024-06-12 11:16:33",
 	"_id": "SVYrI2Z0sk9qlb0k"
 	"itemId": "c6da1417-ed2f-4d18-804b-663369f68230",
 	"title": "Latte Macchiato",
 	"desc": "Bryggd på månadens bönor.",
 	"price": 49,
 	"createdAt": "2024-06-12 11:16:47",
 	"_id": "V11mbtL34TIckABf"
 	"itemId": "a60b8fbb-3f1b-45ca-b67d-2d66c8d59b98",
 	"title": "Kaffe Latte",
 	"desc": "Bryggd på månadens bönor.",
 	"price": 54,
 	"createdAt": "2024-06-12 11:17:02",
 	"_id": "mqhyexrnHJ9AQXgS"
 	"itemId": "f7c602c7-0e35-4769-a559-3c9fa24bbff1",
 	"title": "Cortado",
 	"desc": "Bryggd på månadens bönor.",
 	"price": 39,
 	"createdAt": "2024-06-12 14:36:59",
 	"_id": "pK6rWtmhamtxldO7"


Add item to cart

Instructions: Here you need the itemIdfrom the menu and use it in the request

POST /cart

Request syntax:

  "id": "3edc7d79-272d-4634-9a70-c443d884cf59"

Response if item exists in menu:

Cappucino (49 kr) was successfully added to cart

404 Not found Error handling: if item does not exists in menu:

The requested product could not be found

View cart:

GET /cart

Response if something is in cart:

- 2024-06-13: Cappuccino, 49 kr
- 2024-06-14: Bryggkaffe, 39 kr
Total: 88kr

Error handling: 404 Not found

Cart is empty :/

Delete item from cart

To delete an item from the cart you need to enter the itemId as path parameter

DEL /cart/:id

Response if item exists in cart:

 "message": "Item with id: 3edc7d79-272d-4634-9a70-c443d884cf59 successfully deleted from cart"

Error handling: 404 Not found

 "message": "Item not found in cart"


Place an order

POST /order

Response if items exist in cart:

 "userId": "guest",
 "items": [
 		"userId": "guest",
 		"productId": "ebe43b87-6e1e-4d4e-ade6-59775fffd1f4",
 		"title": "Bryggkaffe",
 		"price": 39,
 		"date": "2024-06-14",
 		"_id": "6Fq5Tpm8FVlXNlMu"
 "total": 39,
 "orderDate": "2024-06-14 11:38:53",
 "estimatedDeliveryTime": "2024-06-14T10:08:53.003Z",
 "orderId": "5a2fc9be-0bf5-45c5-abdf-d508bf8caf72"

Error handling: 404 Not found

Cart is empty

See order confirmation

GET /order/:orderid

Response if orderId is correct:

Order confirmation

Bryggkaffe 39 kr
Bryggkaffe 39 kr
Total: 78 kr

Estimated delivery time: Fri Jun 14 2024 12:12:32 GMT+0200 (centraleuropeisk sommartid)
Orderid: 700a3ea4-ef09-42c7-a58a-da15a06ebe3e

Error handling: 404 Not found:

Order not found

User account

Create account

POST /account/register

Request syntax:

    "username": "Ivy",
    "password": "Poison"

Respose if username and password input is valid:

 "userId": "75cb8f18-0c45-4785-a513-7ae720c69cf4"

Error handling: 400 Bad request

    "error": "Invalid username" || "Invalid password"


POST /account/login

Request syntax:

    "username": "Ivy",
    "password": "Poison"

Response if username and password is correct:

User Ivy was successfully logged in. Login status is: true

Error handling: 401 Unauthorized

Username or password was incorrect

Get login status

GET /account/status


Login status is: true || false

Orderhistory - only accessible when logged in

GET /account/order/orders

Response if there are registered orders on user:

 	"orderId": "586d27c6-66fb-47c1-a43f-f16efca0a5d4",
 	"orderDate": "2024-06-13 14:32:54",
 	"total": 147,
 	"items": [
 			"title": "Caffè Doppio",
 			"price": 49
 			"title": "Caffè Doppio",
 			"price": 49
 			"title": "Caffè Doppio",
 			"price": 49

Error handling: 404 Not found

Orders not found

Get account details

GET /account/users/account-details

Response if user is logged in:

 "userId": "cc368198-8a3f-42ce-9b2e-ba8187b310f6",
 "username": "Pika",
 "password": "Chu",
 "_id": "Dp0mFRwrtEd3DtcA"

Logout and clear cart

POST /account/logout

Response if successful:

User was successfully logged out and cart cleared. Login status is: false, Items removed from cart: 0

Error handling when unauthorized

401 Unauthorized

You need to log in first

Admin account

Create admin account

POST /admin/register

Request syntax:

    "username": "Bat",
    "password": "Woman"

Response if username and password is valid:

 "userId": "427db4fe-a3c0-44e8-a335-641098b76eeb"

Error handling: 400 Bad request

 "error": "Invalid username" || "Invalid password"

Admin login

POST /admin/login

Request syntax:

    "username": "Bat",
    "password": "Woman"

Response if username and password is correct:

Admin login: Bat was successfully logged in.

Error handling 401 Unauthorized

Username or password was incorrect

Admin login status

GET /admin/status

Response if admin is logged in:

Login status is: true

Admin logout

POST /admin/logout

Response if successfull:

Admin was successfully logged out. Login status is: false.

Add item to menu

POST /admin/create-item

Request syntax:

    "title": "Mojito",
    "desc": "Mynta och romdrink",
    "price": 109

Response if title, desc and price are valid:

    "itemId": "3b33c3e4-ca40-40e9-bf88-e674af26728c"

Error handling: 400 Bad Request

    "error": "Invalid or missing title" || "Invalid or missing desc" || "Invalid or missing price"

Get item in menu

Add the itemId as path parameter

GET /admin/:itemId

Response if itemId is valid:

 "itemId": "f7c602c7-0e35-4769-a559-3c9fa24bbff1",
 "title": "Cortado",
 "desc": "Bryggd på månadens bönor.",
 "price": 39,
 "createdAt": "2024-06-12 14:36:59",
 "_id": "pK6rWtmhamtxldO7"

Error handling: 404 Not Found

 "error": "Item not found"

Delete item from menu

Add the itemId as path parameter

DELETE /admin/:itemId

Response if itemId is valid:

"Number of items removed: 1. Item with id 3b33c3e4-ca40-40e9-bf88-e674af26728c successfully deleted"

Error handling: 404 Not Found

 "error": "Item not found"

Edit item in menu

Add the itemId as path parameter

PUT /admin/:itemId

Request syntax (here you only add the field/fields of what you want to change):

    "desc": "Coffee beans from Colombias finest producers",

Response if itemId is correct and input is valid:

 "itemId": "f7c602c7-0e35-4769-a559-3c9fa24bbff1",
 "title": "Cortado",
 "desc": "Coffee beans from Colombias finest producers",
 "price": 39,
 "createdAt": "2024-06-12 14:36:59",
 "_id": "pK6rWtmhamtxldO7",
 "modifiedAt": "2024-06-14 12:43:17"

Error handling if itemId is wrong: 404 Not Found

 "error": "Item not found"

Error handling when input is not valid:

    "error": "Invalid or missing title" || "Invalid or missing desc" || "Invalid or missing price"

Create offers

POST /admin/special-offers

Request syntax:

    "item1": "3edc7d79-272d-4634-9a70-c443d884cf59",
    "item2": "3edc7d79-272d-4634-9a70-c443d884cf59"

Response if both items exists in menu:

 "offerId": "3191e7ca-9463-4faf-a950-48187909b1ef",
 "item1": {
 	"itemId": "3edc7d79-272d-4634-9a70-c443d884cf59",
 	"title": "Cappuccino",
 	"desc": "Bryggd på månadens bönor.",
 	"price": 49,
 	"createdAt": "2024-06-12 11:16:40",
 	"_id": "QuMa7T5k1zBdtSPY"
 "item2": {
 	"itemId": "3edc7d79-272d-4634-9a70-c443d884cf59",
 	"title": "Cappuccino",
 	"desc": "Bryggd på månadens bönor.",
 	"price": 49,
 	"createdAt": "2024-06-12 11:16:40",
 	"_id": "QuMa7T5k1zBdtSPY"
 "priceForBoth": 78.4,
 "discount": 19.6,
 "createdAt": "2024-06-12 14:44:58",
   "_id": "ksELIkXMXVVBPMrc"

Error handling if items do not exist i menu:

 "error": "Item1 not found" || "Item2 not found"

Error handling when unauthorized

401 Unauthorized

You need to log in as admin first


No description, website, or topics provided.






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  • JavaScript 99.2%
  • EJS 0.8%