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ECSE321 Project Group 5

Table of Contents


The Co-operator is a co-op management tool integrating features from both myCourses and myFuture. Group 5 focuses on developing from the student viewpoint. Keeping this in mind, the fourth deliverable includes:

  1. User Documentation
  2. Integrated System
  3. Build System
  4. Project Report

Tools that were used for this Deliverable include: Gradle, Heroku, Travis CI, Vue.js, HTML, CSS, Javascript

Teamwork Report

Deliverable 1

Team member's name Total hours Responsibility
Salman 20 hours Persistence layer and JUnit Testing
Tushar 19 hours User Case Diagrams, UML Diagram
Archit 20 hours UML Diagram, Heroku Deployment and JUnit testing
Kathy 17 hours User Case Diagrams, Documentation and Project Wiki
Mert 18 hours UML Diagram and Requirements Model

Deliverable 2

Team member's name Total hours Responsibility
Salman 32 hours Model redesign, Persistence, REST API, Database Testing
Tushar 16 hours Documentation & Testing
Archit 40 hours New UML, Persistence, JUnit Testing, REST, Travis CI
Kathy 17 hours Documentation & Project Wiki
Mert 17 hours Documentation & Software Quality Assurance Report

Deliverable 3

Team member's name Total hours Responsibility
Salman 20 hours Integation of Frontend with Backend
Tushar 38 hours Frontend Implementation
Archit 25 hours Integration of Frontend with Backend
Kathy 17 hours Documentation & Project Wiki
Mert 17 hours Architecture Model & Documentation

Deliverable 4

Team member's name Total hours Responsibility
Salman 15 hours Fixing backend issues
Tushar 35 hours Adding Secure authentication and enhancing UI experience
Archit 25 hours Travis FrontEnd and User Documentation Report
Kathy 15 hours Documentation & Project Wiki
Mert 15 hours Project Management & Documentation

File Location

Front End Explanation

New in Front End Version 2!

  • Secure login for authorization added for returning students.
  • New Page added to menu for showing previously submitted document links and instructor ID. (Unique Feature)
  • As a new student, you only need to put your McGill ID once.
  • As a new student, you don’t need to remember your COOPID through the dashboard.
  • As a returning student, you need to only enter COOPID once, and the system will remember the ID till you logout.
  • Fixed a bug where "Welcome Student" was not displayed when the frontend was deployed to heroku!
  • Enhanced UI, by adding calender and options on the "addcoop" page. Previously they were all text fields.
  • New Screenshots and Main User Documentation can be found at


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