CMU DeepLens, or DeepLens for short, is a completely automated strong lens finder based on Deep Residual Networks, a state of the art Deep Learning architecture for image detection and classification tasks.
The method itself is described in and the simulations used in that paper are available at
The following packages are required:
- Theano
- Lasagne
- Keras
- scikit-learn
- astropy
- pyfits
from deeplens.resnet_classifier import deeplens_classifier
model = deeplens_classifier(learning_rate=0.001, # Initial learning rate
learning_rate_steps=3, # Number of learning rate updates during training
learning_rate_drop=0.1, # Amount by which the learning rate is updated
batch_size=128, # Size of the mini-batch
n_epochs=120) # Number of epochs for training,y, # Training dataset (x: images, y:class)
xval,yval) # Validation dataset for online testing
# of model performance during training
p = model.predict_proba(xtest) # Classify new set of images
See the BLF_GroundBased notebook for a concrete example of how to classify the Ground based multi-band images of the Bologna Lens Factory Strong Lens Finding Challenge