C++ implementation of underwater image and video enhancement using OpenCV 3.2.
- Modules list
- Requirements
- Getting Started
- Software details
- Contributing
- License
- Author
- Constributors
Color correction module using White World Assumption
Contrast enhancement module using Histogram Stretching and Equalization using Rayleigh distribution
Dehazing module using Bright Channel Prior
Illumination correction module using a Homomorphic High-pass Filter
Image fusion module using a Multiscale approach
Video enhancement module
Image quality metrics module (Contrast, Entropy, Features, etc)
The current release has been developed and tested in Windows 10 64 bits
- OpenCV 3.2 and extra modules (OpenCV contrib 3.2).
- CMAKE 2.8
To start using this project, proceed to the standard clone procedure:
git clone https://github.com/Robotics-Technology/Underwater-Processing.git
- Implementation done in C++.
Summary of contributing guidelines:
- One pull request per issue;
- Choose the right base branch;
- Include tests and documentation;
- Use small datasets for testing purposes;
- Follow always the same coding style guide. If possible, apply code formating with any IDE.
Underwater-Image-Processing is a free and open source software licensed under the GNU GPLv3.0 License, unless otherwise specified in particular modules or libraries (see LICENSE and README.md).
Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Grupo de Investigación y Desarrollo en Mecatrónica ([email protected]).
- Geraldine Barreto - geraldinebc
- José Cappelletto - cappelletto