Under active maintenance. Contributions are always welcome!
The official Python SDK for VSYS APIs. The old Python SDK is deprecated and will be archived soon.
Install from PYPI
pip install py-vsys
Install from Github
pip install git+https://github.com/virtualeconomy/py-vsys.git
Install from PYPI
pipenv install py-vsys
Install from Github
pipenv install git+https://github.com/virtualeconomy/py-vsys.git#egg=py_vsys
import asyncio
import py_vsys as pv
# The RESTful API host address to a node in a public test net
HOST = "http://veldidina.vos.systems:9928"
# A test net wallet seed
SEED = ""
def print_heading(msg: str) -> None:
print("=" * 10, f"{msg}", "=" * 10)
async def main():
print_heading("Try out NodeAPI")
# NodeAPI is the wrapper for RESTful APIs
api: pv.NodeAPI = await pv.NodeAPI.new(HOST)
# GET /blocks/last
print(await api.blocks.get_height())
# GET /node/version
print(await api.node.get_version())
print_heading("Try out Chain")
# Chain represents the chain itself
chain: pv.Chain = pv.Chain(api)
# Get chain's height
print("Height: ", await chain.height)
# Get chain's last block
print("Last blcok:\n", await chain.last_block)
print_heading("Try out Account")
# Account represents an account in the net
wallet: pv.Wallet = pv.Wallet.from_seed_str(SEED)
acnt: pv.Account = wallet.get_account(chain, nonce=0)
# Get the account's balance
print("Balance:", await acnt.bal)
# Get the account's nonce'
print("Nonce:", acnt.nonce)
# Get the account's public key
print("Public key: ", acnt.key_pair.pub)
# Get the account's private key
print("Private key:", acnt.key_pair.pri)
# Get the account's address
print("Account address:", acnt.addr)
print_heading("Try out Smart Contract")
ctrt_id = "CFB6zvcy39FCRGhxo8HH3PE6zZEG5zXevhG"
ctrt: pv.NFTCtrt = pv.NFTCtrt(ctrt_id, chain)
# Get the contract's maker
print("Maker:", await ctrt.maker)
# Get the contract's issuer
print("Issuer:", await ctrt.issuer)
# Get the contract's ID
print("Contract id: ", ctrt.ctrt_id)
await api.sess.close()
if __name__ == "__main__":
Example output
========== Try out NodeAPI ==========
{'height': 1294386}
{'version': 'VSYS Core v0.4.1'}
========== Try out Chain ==========
Height: 1294386
Last blcok:
{'version': 1, 'timestamp': 1646617122022012339, 'reference': '5iCNrcmHAd7ksnsKbt793DbyeRhheNLuxqzo1CRspYrkPL1oXcqSwb3jdEb5nKra9XFvnqPXHS4R6fsRzEdqDFwx', 'SPOSConsensus': {'mintTime': 1646617122000000000, 'mintBalance': 50097894873482088}, 'resourcePricingData': {'computation': 0, 'storage': 0, 'memory': 0, 'randomIO': 0, 'sequentialIO': 0}, 'TransactionMerkleRoot': 'gSDLiXotSAb8iTqZynm13syWGEg2t22sqxsnExLZwLA', 'transactions': [{'type': 5, 'id': 'FE4gbQwmg8cUPHeEmbiGH4HdjD7d7GN1Y6Xvhv4AQsu4', 'recipient': 'ATxtBDygMvWtvh9xJaGQn5MdaHsbuQxbjiG', 'timestamp': 1646617122022012339, 'amount': 900000000, 'currentBlockHeight': 1294386, 'status': 'Success', 'feeCharged': 0}], 'generator': 'ATxtBDygMvWtvh9xJaGQn5MdaHsbuQxbjiG', 'signature': '4Q9LwLEJgQmUv5iQqWbt1ScDBYyNq1d3KcZUdUvEbUNsH3zJmdvRg4BvAVoBrb82NGLTrX8pPwpWMCseWraGbi5u', 'fee': 0, 'blocksize': 330, 'height': 1294386, 'transaction count': 1}
========== Try out Account ==========
Balance: VSYS(4867193229105012)
Nonce: Nonce(0)
Public key: PubKey(6gmM7UxzUyRJXidy2DpXXMvrPqEF9hR1eAqsmh33J6eL)
Private key: PriKey(BHpnszuqFHXuwesGbvrozYpevZiMsL29vLvud1zScqEK)
Account address: Addr(AU6BNRK34SLuc27evpzJbAswB6ntHV2hmjD)
========== Try out Smart Contract ==========
Maker: Addr(AU6BNRK34SLuc27evpzJbAswB6ntHV2hmjD)
Issuer: Addr(AU6BNRK34SLuc27evpzJbAswB6ntHV2hmjD)
Contract id: CtrtID(CFB6zvcy39FCRGhxo8HH3PE6zZEG5zXevhG)
- NFT Contract V1
- NFT Contract V2
- Token Contract V1 without split
- Token Contract V1 with split
- Token Contract V2 without split
- Atomic Swap Contract
- Payment Channel Contract
- Lock Contract
- System Contract
- V Escrow Contract
- V Option Contract
- V Stable Swap Contract
- V Swap Contract
Functional tests are scripts that simulate the behaviour of a normal user to interact wtih py_vsys
(e.g. register a smart contract & call functions of it).
To run it, ensure that you have pytest
properly installed(it is a development dependency of py_vsys
and can be installed via pipenv install -d
NOTE that the test environment defined as global variables in conftest.py has to be configured through environment vairables before the test cases can be executed.
Then go to the root of the of the project and run.
python -m pytest -v test/func_test
The above command will test each aspect(e.g. function send
of NFT contract) individually and have required resources set up before testing(e.g. register a new contract, issue a token, etc). It's good for testing a specific aspect while it might consume too much resources to test every aspect in this way.
To test as a whole, use the whole
marker like below.
python -m pytest -v test/func_test -m whole
Take NFT contract for an example, it will register a contract first and then execute functions like send
, transfer
, deposit
, etc in a pre-orchestrated manner so that some common set up(e.g. register a contract) will be done only once.
To run a single test, say method test_pay
of class TestAccount
, run
python -m pytest -v test/func_test/test_acnt.py::TestAccount::test_pay
Logging for py-vsys
is supported by loguru and is disabled by default.
To enable it, add the following to your codes.
from loguru import logger
Contributions are always welcome!
See the development documentation for more details and please adhere to conventions mentioned in it.