This repository contains various small projects implemented in TensorFlow.
The LSTM neural network is used to deal with an emotion classification problem. The dataset used is part of the SJTU Emotion EEG Dataset (SEED), i.e. a three-class classification problem and the features extracted from emotional EEG signals.
The dataset can be downloaded from: here. Please refer to here to read more about the experimental procedure. During the experiment, the participants were required to watch fifteen movie clips of different emotion categories.
Four files are provided: three .npz
files and one .npy
file. Both .npz
files and .npy
files can be loaded with numpy.load
. Three .npz
files are data collected from three subjects. There are 15 numpy ndarray files in every .npz
file, corresponding to 15 movie clips. Each numpy ndarray is of shape 62 * n * 5
, where 62 is channel number, n is sample number, and 5 is frequency bands.
I first built LSTM classification models individually, i.e. one model for each of the three .npz
file provided. During watching movie clips, emotions of subjects would change with time. LSTMs are suitable to capture this temporal information.
Since EEG signals are different for different people, and this might cause trouble in building an universal emotion model for different people. So I built another LSTM model with all .npz
files provided, and compare the classification results with previous results.
Convolutional neural network (CNN) for multi-class classification problems.
The dataset used in this homework is the MNIST database. Including:
train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz: training set images (9912422 bytes)
train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz: training set labels (28881 bytes)
t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz: test set images (1648877 bytes)
t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz: test set labels (4542 bytes)
Solved the ten-class classification problem in the given dataset using feed-forward neural network. Also visualize the deep features extracted before feed-forward layers.
Reference: Lecun Y, Bottou L, Bengio Y, et al. Gradient-based learning applied to document recognition. Proceedings of the IEEE, 1998, 86(11):2278-2324.
The dataset used is part of the SJTU Emotion EEG Dataset (SEED) (Please refer to LSTM_NN
above). Four files are provided:
37367 samples are included in the training data, and 13588 samples in the test data.
Solved the three-class classification problem in the given dataset using SVM classifiers. Wrote my own one-vs-rest strategy.
Solved the three-class classification problem using Min-Max-Module SVM and part-vs-part task decomposition method. Divided the three-class problem into three two-class problems using one-vs-rest method and then decompose these imbalanced two-class problems.
All 3 projects on Thu. Aug 16, 2018 are trained in Google CoLab; written in Python 2.
Convolutional Neural Network for a QuickDraw classifier trained by QuickDraw dataset provided by Google
I used the simplified data in form of numpy bitmap provided by Google and the Quick Draw AI Experiments
for Final Version trained in Google Colab
(3 examples were tests instead of 100 for time-saving, please remember to change the mini-class.txt and size of softmax layer!)
Simple 2-layer Neural Network with sigmoid activation for 1st layer and softmax activation for output layer
--The Final Accuracy:
--Loss VS. Epoches
Basic activation functions: sigmoid, relu, and tanh.
Advanced activation functions: LeakyReLU and ELU.
Test Case: Neural Network for MNIST dataset recognition
Comparing Results (Accuracy VS. Epoches):
--Sigmoid VS. ReLU VS. tanh
In my 2-layer NN with softmax as output activation function, ReLU, as the first layer, is behaving surprisingly bad comparing to sigmoid and tanh. I will keep updating the reason behind.
ELU and LeakyReLU are also suffering from such poor behavior. Corrected results will be updated soon.
--ELU VS. tanh
--ELU VS. LeakyReLU
--Sigmoid VS. tanh
Sigmoid and tanh both show steady improving accuracy as epoch increases, with a fairly nice (around 90%) starting accuracy.
--Using sigmoid for the all layers' activation and square error as a cost function.
--Using AdamOptimizer for the neural network.
--XNOR = AND || (NOT x1)AND(NOT x2)
--Result prediction for [0, 0], [1, 0], [0, 1], [1, 1] and trained weights
--Approximating a 1-dimensional Gaussian distribution.
--Result (generated data-real data-decision boundary)
jupyter 1.0.0
Keras 2.2.0
matplotlib 2.2.2
numpy 1.14.5
pandas 0.23.3
scipy 1.1.0
seaborn 0.8.1
six 1.11.0
tensorflow 1.9.0
virtualenv 16.0.0
*Notice: this list is NOT complete